Jackson:I’moutside.Ifyou’re home, please let me in

Jackson:BabyIsee your car parked out here.Iknow you’re home.Pleaseopen the door and talk to me

Jackson:Pleasejust talk to me

Jackson:Idon’t know why you’re doing this

Jackson:I’mstarting to feel likeIdon’t know you.ButIdo know youSelena

Jackson:Weneed to talk

Jackson:Babyplease answer the door

Jackson:BabyI’moutside.Justcome to the door and talk to me

Jackson:Ididn’t want to do it, butIwent by the bakery again today.Liamsaid you were sick

Jackson:Babytalk to me.Ineed to know you’re okay

Jackson:IswearI’llleave you alone if you just talk to me.Answerthe phone baby.Please

Jackson:I’mgoing onEddieParsons’ show tonight.Willyou watch it for me?

Jackson:Pleasedo this for me baby



One week later…


WhydoIalways do exactly the wrong thing when it comes to her?WhydoIalways say exactly the wrong thing?OrIdon’t say anything at all whenIshould have said something?

Itried to give her space to calm down and realize she misses me.

Butinstead of realizing how much she misses me and how good we are together,Selenadecided to shut me out.Shewon’t answer my texts or my calls.WhenIshowed up at the bakery, she hid from me.Shedoesn’t answer the door whenIgo to her house.

AndInever even got to know any of her friends, soIhave no one to ask for help.

She’scompletely icing me out.

Iwent from fuckingSelenaexactly howIwanted in a hotel room to meeting an ice cold wall.

OperationGetSelenaBackis not going as planned.

Howthe hell amIsupposed to convince her she loves me if she won’t even talk to me?

I’vebeen spinning my wheels for a week, obsessing over her.Andlast night,Idecided to go for the nuclear option.Bigrisk, big reward.OrIcrash and burn.Publicly.Fan-fucking-tastic.

Alot of favors were pulled to get me onTheEddieParsonsShowtonight when the only thingIreally have to promote is getting hired to be a superhero.Andthat’s old news.It’sonly been a few weeks since the big announcement, but in this industry, weeks are like months.

I’venever done as much soul-searching in my life asIhave sinceSelenawalked out on me.Theonly thingIcame up with after all of that deep thinking is thatIneed her, andI’mnot letting her go.

Ihate that she thinks this is all about a fucking contract.Evenif she’s not in love with me yet,Iknow she’s hurting.AndIhate it.Inever want her to hurt, andIjust don’t know what elseIcan do to show her how muchIlove her.Ididn’t touch her for weeks to prove that this isn’t just about sex to me.I’mpractically stalking her.I’mshowing up at her house at all hours.Turningup at the bakery kitchen.Beforeshe stopped talking to me,Iinvited myself to stay over every night.Iinvited myself into her bed.Iheld her in my arms all night.

Ithought by now, things would be clearer.Thatshe’d have told me how she feels, soIcould tell herI’min love with her.Tellher that she’s it for me.Tellher thatI’mnever going to want anybody else.Idid everythingLilysaid.Ishowed her with my words and my actions—and not my dick—how muchIlove her.