“I’mnot being like anything.”

“Inever thought you were capable of it.Butyou’re beingcold.You’reicing me out, andIdon’t know why.”

“I’mtrying to beprofessional.”

“Wereyou being professional all the times you came in my mouth?”


WhenIwave my hand at him, he catches it.


Hetugs me to him and kisses me.Hard.Histongue slides into my mouth, andIdon’t think about how muchIlove him or how much all of this hurts.AllIthink about is how good his mouth feels on mine.

Jacksontakes what he wants from my lips and my tongue.AndIgive him everything.Igive him all of me.Igive him my love, my body, and my broken heart, all in one kiss.

Andwhen he lifts his head and stares down at me,Iknow this is the last timeJacksonWatersis ever going to look at me like this.Hungry.Possessive.Mine.

Becausethis kiss was goodbye.He’snot mine.Henever was.

Ican’t get overJacksonifIkeep seeing him.AndIcan’t be around him for another second knowing how muchIlove him and that he’s never going to love me back.NotlikeIneed him to.Notat all.


“Later,Selena.Thisisn’t goodbye.I’llsee you soon.”

“No, you won’t.”

Jacksongets out and walks around to my door.Withoutanother word,Islip out and rush across the street to my house.Squeezingthe door so tightlyI’mworried about denting it,Islowly close my front door onJacksonWaters.

It’stime to get back to my real life.

Andmy real life doesn’t include sexy movie stars.



Jackson:CanIcome over?Weneed to talk

Jackson:Canyou please answer me?I’vebeen calling

Jackson:Ineed to know that you’re okay

Jackson:Imiss you

Jackson:Oatsmisses you


Jackson:Canyou at least check in withLily?Ineed to know that you’re okay.Pleasebaby

Jackson:Icame by the bakery kitchen today.Liamsaid you weren’t there.ButIsaw your car outside.Whyare you hiding from me baby?

Jackson:Willyou please pick up?Giveme five minutes.Please

Jackson:Weneed to talk