Iknew exactly whatIneeded to do.AndIdid it.

Andit didn’t fucking work.

So, now it’s time to tell her and the entire fucking world thatIlove her.Thatshe’s my girl.ThatIwant her to be my wife.

I’mdone giving her time.I’mdone trying to get her to say it first.I’msaying it first, and thenI’mgoing to spend the rest of my life convincing her she loves me, too.

So, whether or not,Ilike it,I’mabout to propose toSelenaonTheEddieParsonsShow.

Ikeep a big old smile on my face, even though my mind is racing.Ineed this to go perfectly.Ineed her to say yes.

Studiolights have never felt this hot.Iswear my palms are sweating, asEddieintroduces me andIwalk out onto the set to join him up on the stage.

“Hey, everybody!Goodto be back so soon.”

“Soonis right.Youwere here what?Alittle over two months ago?”

“Soundsabout right.”

“Andthe last time you were here, you broke some pretty major news with us.”

Grinning,Ihide my face in my hands. “Iknow.Meand my big old mouth.HereIthoughtIwas just talking to an old friend about my amazing new girlfriend.Andthen everything kind of went crazy on me.”

Eddielaughs, and so does the studio audience.

“Howare things going with our favorite couple?Howare things going with #elevatorgirl?”

“Youknow,Eddie.There’ssomethingIneed to get off of my chest.Mygirl andIactually had a fight.”

“Afight?Whathappened?”Heleans forward across the desk, pressing his chin onto his fist. “Tellyour old friend everything.I’vebeen married a long time.Here’ssome advice.Apologize.Evenif you don’t know what you did.”

“Well,Iprobably acted a little stupid.It’sjustI’mall in on this girl, andIwant everyone to know it.”

“That’ssweet, isn’t it?”Hemotions with his hands for the audience to give him something, and the room fills withooohsandawwws.

“AndIknewIwas coming onto your show tonight, and she’s a big fan.Shewatches your show every night,Eddie.So,Iknow that she’s watching right now.”It’sa small, but necessary lie.Selenadoesn’t watch the show.

“Isthere anything you want to say to her?Totell your #elevator girl?”

Irub my chin with my thumb and index finger. “Youknow what,Eddie?Ithink there is.I’veactually got something that’s been weighing me down.It’sright here, actually.I’vegot it in my back pocket.”

Leaningforward,Itake the little velvet ring box out of my pocket.

“Holymoly, is that whatIthink it is?”Eddiemotions to the audience, and another chorus ofooohsandawwwsrockets through the studio.

“Ithink it just might be… as long as you think it’s an engagement ring, that is.”

“Oh, my god!America’sfavorite bachelor is about to be off the market, ladies!”

“Let’sjust hope my girl says yes.”

Shebetter fucking say yes.

Andnot because her sayingnowould embarrass me on national television.I’ddeserve that ten times over.Becauseit would mean thatI’dhave to live every day of the rest of my life without her, andIdon’t want to do that.Ican’t.Iwon’t.Selena’sit for me.She’smy everything.She’smy air and my water.She’smy home.

“Howdo you want to do this?”

“That’sa good question,Eddie.IguessIshould probably figure that out sooner rather than later,”Itell him with a laugh, as ifIdidn’t already practice this with his producers in rehearsal before the live audience came in. “Here’swhatI’mthinking.Maybeif the camera could come down here with me?”Iask asIstand up and walk down to the center of the stage.Adozen interns rush out with massive bouquets of pink and white lilies.Andanother intern walks out withOatson a leash and hands it to me.Theinterns place the bouquets of lilies in a big circle around me andOats.