“Youcan see it in a mirror.AndI’lltake a picture for you.I’mnot putting my name on your body anywhere anyone but you and me can see it.”

“Iwant your face in the picture next to my ass.”

“Whatthe hell, baby?Absolutelynot.”

Ifigured that one was a long shot.He’sprobably worriedI’llblackmail him with it or something.IfonlyIhad something big enough on him to blackmailJacksoninto giving me a chance at making this real.ButIhave nothing.He’salways been a gentleman to me, even when he threw me over his knee and spanked me.Evenwhen he fucked me.Iliked all of it.Iwanted all of it.Iwanted all of him.

“Youhave a deal,JacksonWaters.”Ihold my hand over my shoulder to shake on it.ButJacksonturns me around in his arms and presses his lips against mine.Hekisses me slowly and softly.LikeIhaven’t been desperate for him to do more than give me a peck on the forehead for weeks.Ihate myself for the wayImelt in his arms.

WhenJacksonlifts his head from mine, he stares into my eyes.

“Deal, baby.Nowbe on your best behavior like a good girl orI’mnot signing that perfect ass of yours.”Heleans in and whispers in my ear. “Unlessyou want me to write my name in cum all over your body.I’mhappy to do that, even if you’re naughty.Allyou have to do is ask.”

“Likeyour aim’s that good,”Imutter.

Jacksongives me his huge movie star smile. “Ipromise to practice as long as it takes.”

Heonly has until midnight to learn cursive with his dick, and there’s no way that’s happening.

Jacksonlets me go, then he takes my hand, and we walk inside to meetJonastogether.



Selena’smood flips like a switch the minute we sit down across fromJonas.She’snothing but sassy to me lately, but she’s so sweet toJonasthat my fists are itching to punch him and mess up his perfect fucking hair.Atfirst, it surprised me that she didn’t try to sit next to him.Butshe couldn’t gaze at him adoringly across the table if she was sitting next to him, without getting a neck cramp.

Jonasis so fucking charming.Andit’s never pissed me off more than it does sitting at this table while the womanIlove acts likeI’mnot here and tries to flirt with my friend.Fine, maybe she’s not actually flirting.Butthat’s what it fucking feels like to me.Hehas her hanging on every fucking word.

Ihave my arm hanging over her shoulders, trying to look casual.Butit’s actually to stopSelenafrom leaning farther across the table towards him.Noone but me should be staring down at the inches of pretty white breasts on display tonight.Thelittle black dressIhad delivered for her is a little too small and a little too tight in all the right places.It’ssleeveless and has a deepV-neckline over her tits and then the stretchy fabric sits tight against her ass and tits.Theway she fills it out, it only goes down to her mid-thigh.Andshorter when she sits.IfIdon’t get a hold of myself, this dress is going to have me begging for sex by the end of the night.ItoldSelenashe didn’t have to beg, butIknowI’mgoing to have to.I’mgoing to be on my fucking knees, begging and pleading.AndI’llhappily stay down there and lick her pretty wet pussy to convince her to let me put my dick between her thighs.

No.Ican’t do any of that.

Asmuch asIwant it, sex is off the table.Unlessshe asks for it.Ihave to keep it together.

Ireally need her to fucking ask for it.

Therestaurant isn’t whatIwould have picked.It’stoo fancy, too old-fashioned with white tablecloths and dark-stained wood.I’drather be eating tacos withSelenaat a food truck across town.Butit’s expensive, and it’s private.Noone’s getting out their camera phones to take pictures of theRaven’sRavinecast reunion happening at our table.

“Whydon’t you tellSelenaabout the time we almost got arrested inRome?”

“I’msure she’d rather hear it from you,”Imutter.

“That’snot true,Nugget.I’dlove it if you actuallytalkedto me.I’mgoing to go to the ladies’ room.Maybeyou can use the time to think of something to say to me.”

Selenanudges me untilIstand up to let her out of the booth.Thenshe slides out.Shesqueezes my arm before rushing off to the bathroom.Ittakes everything in me not to follow her and stand outside the door until she comes back out.

Jonaslets out a low whistle as we watch her slip behind a door at the back of the restaurant.

“What’sgoing on there?”

Turningback to glare at him,Itake a big pull of my beer. “Howthe fuck amIsupposed to know?”

WhenJonasraises an eyebrow at me,Ipress the palms of both hands against my eyes and rub hard. “Sorry, man.”

“It’sall good.Youdo something to piss her off?”
