“Anyidea what it was?”

“Nofucking clue.”

“Soundslike she wants you to talk to her about something.”

“Easiersaid than done.We’rejust having an off day.Andyou don’t have to be such a charming piece of shit making her eat out of your hand like that.”

“Comeon, you knowI’dnever steal your girl.EvenifIcould.Andnot just this one.Icould have stolen all of them.”

“It’slike you want me to punch you?I’malready on edge, and you’retryingto piss me off?”

“Justtell her you love her and go down on her until she can’t remember why she was pissed in the first place.Alwaysworks for me.”

“Andthat’s why you have a million kids.”

“Youalways wanted a million kids, too.Youwant them with her?”

Nodding,Idon’t even need to think it over.IwantSelenato be the mother of my children.Maybein my headI’venever thought much past getting her to admit she loves me and getting her to stay with me.ButIdo.Iwant it all.Iwant the big wedding back home on the farm.Iwant the marriage.Thepartnership.Iwant the babies.Iwant the life.Iwant everything.AndIwant it with her.

“Haveyou told her that?Ibet she’d be less pissed at you if she knew you were counting down the days until you can knock her up.”


“Thebest women always are.”

“She’sthe only womanIwant.”

“Youneed to get better at getting her over being pissed at you.Becausetrust me, a smart woman can always find something to be pissed at you about.Butthen you get to have make-up sex.”Jonasshrugs like it’s a fair trade.

Havingany kind of sex withSelenawould be a fair trade for just about anything in my books.

“Andmake even more babies?”Ishake my head.

We’rethe same age, and it seems likeJonashas everything figured out.He’sgot a wife and a million adorable kids back home waiting for him.AndI’vegot a womanIlove who can barely look at me, a big house inL.A. that doesn’t feel like home, my family thousands of miles away, and a decade inAustraliato look forward to.Ifeel like everything in my life went wrong somehow.

WhenSelenagets back, she has a smile on her face again.I’mnot sure how long it’s going to last, butI’llbe damned ifIdon’t try to keep it there.I’lldo anything to make her happy, butI’mstarting to think maybeI’mthe thing making her unhappy.

WhenIstand up,Selenaslides back into the booth and thenIsit back down, blocking her in again.AmIforcing her to sit on the inside of the booth becauseIknow she won’t be able to run away from me?Maybe.DoIhave any regrets?Nota single one.

Wrappingmy arm around her shoulders again,Ipull her tight to my side.

“So, which one of you is going to tell me theRomestory?”Selenaasks, still smiling.

“Jacks.DefinitelyJacks.Hetells it way better thanIdo.”

Selenaraises her perfect brown eyebrow at me and nods. “Let’shear it,Nugget.”

Ilook both ways, likeI’mafraid someone might hear us.ThenIlean closer to her and tighten my arm over her shoulders.Sherolls her shoulders as she snuggles into me this time.Thenshe stares up at me like her life depends on hearing whatI’mabout to say.I’venever suffered from performance anxiety in my life.Butthe look she’s giving me is a lot of fucking pressure.

Selenalaughs and cringes at all the right parts whileItell her about the timeJonasgot us invited to a poker game inRomethat turned out to be run by the mob and that police just happened to be doing a sting on that night.Jonaspunctuates the story with his own commentary asIgo.He’strying to make me look better thanIdo.ButIwas a young, dumb kid back then.Istill feel like a dumb kid when it comes toSelena.AndIreally need to do something about that.

Dinnerlasts for over three hours, withSelenastaring adoringly across the table atJonas.Butshe’s snuggled into me with her head on my shoulder.Everyso often she tilts her head to look back at me and ifIleaned down a couple of inches,Icould press my lips against hers.She’sfucking killing me.

Weboth hugJonastightly when we say goodbye at the end of the night.

“Comevisit us on the vineyard.Soon,Jacks.”
