“Baby, you better mean signing your tits and not coming on them.Andif you askJonasto sign your tits at dinner,I’mgoing to bend you over my knee and spank you.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Tryme, baby.”

“Idon’t need to.Ifyou bent me over your knee and spanked me, you’d have sex with me.Andyou said you wouldn’t have sex with me unlessIasked.I’mhaven’t asked.”

“Ithought bringing you toRaven-Conwas going to be fun.”

“Itwas.Iloved it.”

“You’rereally not acting like it, baby.Maybewe should just go home?”

“Ialready told you.You’refree to go at any time.ButI’mhaving dinner withJonas.It’llprobably be less awkward to have him sign my boobs if you’re not there, actually.”

“One, over my dead body are you asking another man to sign your tits.Andtwo, don’t thinkIdidn’t notice that you apparently wantJonasto sign both of your tits and you only want me to sign one.Whyare you doing this, baby?Whydon’t you just talk to me?I’mright here if there’s anything you want to talk about.”

“Isthere anythingyouwant to talk about?”

Helooks over at me like maybe he’s going to say something.Butthen his jaw tightens, and he shuts down. “No.”

“ThenIguess we’re all good.Whattime does the convention open tomorrow?Maybethe hotBritishlibrarian won’t be too famous and important to sign my boobs?”

“I’mreally not sure why you’re trying to piss me off right now.Butit’s working, baby.”

“Iknow.BecauseIknow you.Iknow what makes you tick.AndIknow what pisses you off.”

“Andyou’re using all that knowledge to pick a fight with me right now?”

Ishrug.Iknow exactly whatI’mdoing, butIdon’t know whyI’mdoing it.I’vebeen all churned up over him for the last two weeks, and honestly it’s been even longer than that.I’vebeen churned up aboutJacksonsince the night he showed up at my place and said we should date.Jacksonhas seemed totally fine through all of it.Maybehe’s been a little growlier the last two weeks.Maybehe’s done a little more jaw clenching.Buthe’s fine.I’mtired of being the only mess.I’mtired of being the only one it matters to that, after tonight, we’re never going to see each other again.Maybeif we get into a big fight,I’llbe so angryIwon’t even notice when midnight comes?

Doubtit.Butit seems worth trying.

Neitherof us says anything untilJacksonhands the valet his keys outside of some fancy restaurant that someone back inL.A. probably picked out for us.It’sthe kind with valets, white tablecloths, and sommeliers.Iwould have picked tacos from a food truck because good tacos are the one thing you can’t get inWesternSprings.

Knowingit will piss him off,Iopen my door and slide out before he can get to me.Itry to stomp up the stairs to the restaurant, butJacksoncatches my hand and hauls me back against him.Hewraps his arms around me, pulling my back tight to his chest.

“JonasandIhave been friends for more than ten years,Selena.”


“Pleasedon’t make this dinner end with me punching him.YouknowIdon’t have that many friends, baby.”

“Fine.Iwon’t ask him to sign my boobs.Butonly if you promise to do it when we get back to the hotel room.Ididn’t bring my stolen sharpie with me, so you can’t do it now, anyway.”

“No.”Jacksonsqueezes me beforeIcan argue.Hisarms wrapped around me like this always make me think of when he tried to save me from choking.Butthis timeIdon’t smile whenIthink of it.Becauseafter tonight there aren’t going to be any new stories.Nonew jokes between him and me for us to look back at and laugh about.

“Butif you behave yourself at dinner like a good girl, and you don’t come to your fucking senses before then,I’llsign your ass when we get back to the hotel.”

Interesting. “HowdoIknow you won’t back out after dinner?”

“I’mpromising youI’lldo it.AndI’mnever breaking a promise to you.Notever.”

Hepromised me this was going to be fake and thatI’dbe free of him after two months.Iknow he’s keeping those promises.

Healso promisedIdidn’t have to have sex with him, butIguess he kept that promise, too.Ineverhadto have sex with him.Iwantedto.Istillwant to.

“Ican’t see my own ass,Jackson.”