I’drather not get into my crush onCamdenwith him, soIshrug and say, “Ittook a lot less time thanIthought it would.”

Henods, then gestures toward the entrance door. “It’slunch time.Wantto come inside and eat with me?”

Ishake my head.He’llask questions about the day, andIwon’t be able to keep my mouth shut.He’salready agreed to go to the damn wedding as my boyfriend, the last thingIneed is for him to find out the exact reason whyIdid that in the first place.Partof me feels bad for using him to getCamden’sattention, but another part of me hopes it works the wayWinnieswears it will.

“Idon’t have anything to eat.”Ipoint at the coffee shop with a smile. “I’mgoing for coffee this afternoon anyway, just wanted to see what you were doing out here.”It’sunusual to see him posting signs, since that’s my job.

“Needa couple extra employees, andIwant to get a hiring sign up sooner than later.”

Inod, then rub the back of my neck — suddenly feeling nervous with him standing in front of me like this. “Well,I’lllet you eat.Seeyou onSaturdayfor the wedding.”

Beforehe can respond,Iquickly rush through the coffee shop entrance and give the girl at the counter a small smile. “JustaFrenchvanilla iced coffee, extra vanilla, please.”

Assoon asIhave the coffee and sit at my seat, my heart rate calms down andIcan breathe.Thedoors open, the bell jingling loudly, andIcatch sight ofWinniewalking inside.Shesmiles brightly at me, waving and walking over to me before sitting down across from me. “So, how did it go?”

Iroll my eyes. “Great, he’s already in love with me.”

Shesmacks my arm playfully. “Don’tmess with me like that,Georgia.”

“Winnie, he hates me.”Thatmight be a little dramatic, but it doesn’t change that he doesn’t see me in the wayIsee him. “Whatthe hell were you thinking having us do this together?”

Shesmirks. “Iwas thinking it would give him a chance to look at you, realize what he’s missing.”

“Well, it’s not working andI’dreally like it ifIcould do it alone.”Especiallysince he doesn't even know how to do anything, and will probably screw up the decorations on the first try. “Comeon,Pooh, stop interfering.”

Shesighs, then raises an eyebrow. “Didanything happen today?”

“Youmean aside from him getting pissed whenIasked your dad to come out and help him with the tent?No.”Whichis a lie,I’mninety percent sure he was going to kiss me earlier andI’drather not jinx that moment right now by blabbing toWinnie. “How’severything looking on your end?”Iknow she said the bridesmaid dresses were supposed to be ready today, and she had her last fitting for her dress.

Sheclaps happily. “Oh,Georgia, it all looks so beautiful.Mydress fits me like a glove, andIcan’t wait to seeSage’sface whenIwalk down that aisle.”

SageandWinnieare everythingIwant in a relationship of my own, butI’mnot counting on that as long asCamdenkeeps taking his time.I’llbe honest, at firstIwas a little skeptical ofSagesince he was one of those guys who made fun ofWinniewhen we were in high school.Itonly took a month of spending time with him andWinnietogether thatIrealized how much he adored my best friend, and no one could be a better fit for her.

“I’mso happy for you,Winnie.Nocold feet?”

Sheshakes her head frantically and chuckles. “Hellno.I’mtempted to haul my ass down the aisle this weekend.”Herphone rings from the table, her mother’s image shining brightly on the screen andWinnieanswers immediately. “I’mon my way now,” she says to her mother, then sighs at me while putting her phone away. “Gottago, thanks for everything,Peach.”

Igive her a nod, letting her know how gratefulIam for her as well, and watch her hurry through the coffee shop doors.Myphone rings next, an incoming call fromBishopglaring back at me, andIanswer reluctantly. “Bishop?”

Heclears his throat. “Hey,Georgia,Ihad somethingIwanted to ask you before the day started back up.”

Iwait patiently, not knowing what he could possibly need to ask me right now. “Yeah, sure, what is it?”Ifit’s anything work-related,I’ddo it in an instant — anything to get my mind off my best friend’s brother right now.

“Wouldyou like to have dinner with me later?”

Hisquestion catches me a little off guard.Sure, we’ve had the occasional meal together, but it was always because we both stayed later than the rest of the staff.Itwas never a planned event.




Maybeasking her out to dinner was the wrong thing to do.

Georgiais silent for a few moments andIpull the phone away from my ear, just to make sure she’s still on there, and bring it back nervously. “It’sokay, we don’t have to.”IfI’mbeing honest, the only reasonIasked so quickly is because she looked a little stressed when she came up to me outside and this is my way of getting things off her mind.

“No, no,”Georgiasays quickly. “I’dlove to go.Whattime shouldIbe ready?”