
It’ssomethingInever thoughtI’dget the chance to have, butIcan’t deny how good it feels to think of finding love withGeorgia.Nomatter how wrong it seems,Ican’t deny how right it feels deep in my soul.Butthe real question is would she ever feel the same way?

Insteadof thinking too hard about it,Istart the engine and make my way towardGeorgia’shouse in hopes that she’ll appreciate the flowers.



AfterIgot the call about the chairs arriving for the wedding,IletBishopknow thatI’dbe out untilMonday— after the wedding.Ialready hadFridaythroughSundayoff, that wayIcan spend all my time getting things set up for the big day, but since the chairs arrived it wouldn’t hurt to get an extra day.Ifigured we can at least get the tables set up now, then do everything else tomorrow.

I’mnervous to be aroundCamdentoday, butIcouldn’t think of anyone else that would be able to help me — andWinnietold me she didn’t trust anyone but the two of us to get it done.There’sno denying what my best friend is trying to do, andIappreciate it, butIstill can’t bring myself to thinkCamdenwould notice me after all these years.

Istill can’t believeIaskedBishopto go to the wedding as my boyfriend, and that he agreed so easily.Apart of me expected a fight of some sort, or for him to question whyIwas asking that of him, but the only thing he did was say yes.I’msure this will bite me in the ass later, butIcan’t help but at least attempt whatWinniesuggestedIdo — showCamdenI’mno longer available.

She’sso sure it will work, butI’mnot convinced.

Ipull up toWinnie’schildhood home, which practically glimmers under the rays of sunlight beating down on it, and exit my car.There’sno missingCamden’sframe, even if he is hundreds of feet away from me.Myheart stutters at the sight of him.I’mpathetic, that’s all there is to it.

Witha shake of my head,Iget out of my thoughts and head down the freshly cut yard with my chin held high in the air.Camdenglances up at me briefly before he gets back to situating one of the tables in the grass, then he heads toward another one quickly.

Iwatch him curiously, silently calculating how he’s going about setting them up, and rolling my eyes when he sits the next table a few inches from the other.

“Stop,”Isay, far more harshly thanIintended. “You’redoing it all wrong, the tables can’t be so close together.”There’sa package for the tent we bought sitting in the center of the field andIpoint to it. “Whydon’t you get started on setting up the tent whileIdo this?”

Hearches an eyebrow. “I’mnot doing it perfect enough for you,Peach?”

Iglare at him, hating that he uses the same nickname asWinniedoes. “Don’tcall me that.”Andit’s not becauseWinnie’sthe only one allowed to call me that, it’s because my body tingles excitedly when he does andIknow he’ll never do anything about it.

Hischuckle is low, but it’s still enough to have me wanting to hear more of it. “Alright.”Heclaps his hands together and gestures toward the tent, then holds out the chair in his hand to me. “Hereyou go, master, my apologies.”

Likean idiot, he curtsies for me with a wink, then walks away, his shoulder brushing lightly against mine.It’snot intentional,Iknow this, butIcan’t help but to lean further into the touch.

Camdendoesn’t seem all that affected by it though as he edges closer to the packaged tent, not bothering to glance back at me.

Methough?Nopart of me isn’t pulled to him, my gaze searing a hole into his shirt while my body is screaming at me to get closer to him.Ishake the need away though, focusing instead on all the work that needs to be done, even though it seems virtually impossible withCamdenhere too.

WhenCamdenstarts struggling with setting up the huge tent,Iwalk into his parents’ house and let their father know to come out with us for a minute.Camdenglares at me, hating thatIgot someone to help him since he doesn’t like accepting help from others, but he reluctantly does.

“Youdidn’t need to do that,Ihad it,”Camdenmutters once his dad goes back through the back door, leaving us alone together again. “Worryabout your own shit,Georgia.”Hegoes back to situating the doors and windows of the tent, airing the entire thing out, andI’mjust grateful for the shade casting over me.

There’sno doubt my body feels like it’s on fire every time this man is near me, andI’mstill silently cursingWinniefor putting me in this situation.WhenIglance over atCamden, his eyes are focused on me andIhave to quickly look away from him.Myneck tingles with awareness as he continues to work with his eyes on me, then he comes over and brushes against me.

“Thatshould be it for today,”Imanage to say, wiping my sweaty palms on the jean shortsI’mwearing.

Camdenstays close to me, only staring at me, and just when it seems as if he’s going to lean down and kiss me, he pulls away abruptly. “Seeyou tomorrow.”

Insteadof waiting around,Irush through the backyard untilIreach my car.

Ifhe hasn’t been able to see the massive crush on himI’vehad all these years,Ihave no doubt in my mind he got an idea of it just now.Hiswide frame bends over all the tables and chairs, making sure everything is situated right, andIcan’t keep my stare off his firm ass.Theonly thingIcan imagine is the way it looks in his baseball uniform, and that’s a whole other level of needIdon’t want to deal with right now.

Iback out of the driveway, waving toWinnie’smom who’s standing on the porch, then head out towardMainStreet.Acoffee seems like a good idea right now, especially since this didn’t take as long asIthought it would.I’llprobably come back later and get started on the decorations, it wouldn’t hurt anything and would give me another chance to seeCamden.


Igroan to myself asIease downMainStreetofDaisyCreek, the one place whereI’vealways felt likeIbelong.Bishopis standing outside his office, straightening a sign that hangs on the window, andIpull up to the curb behind him.Heglances over his shoulder before turning his attention back to his sign, but does a double take and whirls around again to look at me.

“Thoughtyou had a busy day today?”