Sincethis is my office,Ican always leave earlier thanIusually do. “Beready at seven, and wear something nice.”Ifthis is going to be our first real date,I’dlove nothing more than to treat her to a dinner she deserves — which means going out to the city.

“Soundsgood.Seeyou then,Bishop.”

Shehangs up, but that doesn’t lessen any bit of my nerves, and my palm is sweaty against my phone.Isit it down with a sigh, rubbing a hand down my face, but perk back up when the front door jingles with the staff arriving back from their lunches.There’snothing to worry about.We’llhave a good meal, talk, andI’llfall for her more thanIalready have.

Howpathetic is it that she’s the one who made the first move on me?

Oneof my weekly patients walks back into my office, ready to get their back all straightened out, andItake her with me to the exam room.

“Ma’am, mayIsuggest getting your back checked out by a doctor?”Idon’t mind helpingMrs.Riverswith her back, but she comes too excessively for it to be normal.

Shewaves me off, then lies back on the stretcher situated in the middle of the room. “Nonsense, your technique does wonders for me.”

“Iappreciate it, ma’am, but you shouldn’t need to come here so often.”Notonly is she older, but she doesn’t work as much, so the fact that she’s a non-working elderly woman who has back issues — it’s concerning.

“Thanksfor the advice,Dr.Adler.”Shelies flat on her back silently, waiting for me to tell her what to do next, while taking deep breaths in and out.

ThemostIcan do is suggest the idea to her, butIcan’t force the woman to do it.

Itdoesn’t take me long to getMrs.Riverssituated andIhead out into the front lobby to escort her out. “Please,”Isay, staring intently at her, “think about going to a doctor.”

Sherolls her eyes and gives me a thoughtful smile. “I’llthink about it, but no promises.”

That’sthe mostIcan get out of it.Aslong as she thinks about it, at leastIknowIdid my duty as her chiropractor.

WhileIwait for my next appointment to come in,Igrab my phone and call a couple restaurants to see who has reservations available at eight.OnceIhave dinner withGeorgiasituated,Ihead back to my office and look through a little bit of paperwork.

Ican’t help but wonder what she will be wearing tonight — will it be elegant, or something sexy but still appropriate for dinner?There’sno doubt in my mind that no matter what she wears, she’ll look just as beautiful as she always does.

* * *

Ipull up toGeorgia’shouse right on time — well,Ipulled up five minutes earlier, butI’vebeen idling outside her house for five minutes becauseI’mtoo nervous to walk up to the door.Witha deep breath,Ifinally lift myself from the car and look at my reflection in the car window to make sure everything looks okay.

I’mnot usually one to wear jeans for a night out, especially when it comes to a restaurant, butIthought it was the best option tonight.Ididn’t wantGeorgiato thinkIwas trying too hard.

Myshaky hand knocks lightly on the door, thenIback up a few inches to wait for her to open the door.

Nothingcould’ve prepared me for how beautiful she looks when that door cracks open, with her dark hair curled loosely around her shoulders, and the red dress hugging her in the most amazing way.There’sa slit going up her right leg that has me imagining my hand gliding up her smooth skin right under it.

“Georgia,”Irasp, then clear my throat before giving her a big smile. “Georgia, you look beautiful.”

Hercheeks heat at the compliment and she nods at me, giving me her own smile. “Youdon’t look so bad yourself.”Shetravels her gaze down my frame, stopping on the jeans. “Idon’t thinkI’veever seen you in jeans.”

Whenmy body stiffens, thinking that she doesn’t like it, she touches my arm lightly and says, “Youshould wear them more often.”

Insteadof ogling her any longer,Itake her hand and lead her to my car slowly.Onceshe’s situated in the seat,Ishut the door for her and rush over to my side of the car.She’sadjusting the air conditioning whenIget inside, pointing most of the air onto her with a chuckle. “Sorry, hope you don’t mind.I’dhate for my makeup to get ruined before we get to the restaurant.”

Ishake my head. “Idon’t mind at all.”Whichonly has me thinking about her doing this with me for the rest of our lives. “Youready to go?”

Shetakes a deep breath and leans back into the seat. “Definitely,I’mstarving.Madesure not to eat soIcould be hungry when we went.”

Myeyebrows scrunch together. “Youdon’t have to do that.Ifyou’re hungry, eat something.”

Doesit mean something that she wanted to spend time with me so badly that she had forgone eating all day?

No.Shejust didn’t want to be rude.

Iturn out of her driveway, heading toward the exit to the city, and glance over at her.Thejewelry around her neck glimmers in the dim light of the street lamps, andIwatch as she wrings her hands together on her lap.Somethingis bothering her,Ican tell.