Page 11 of Minefield

“Issac? What are you doing?” I ask, my voice shaking. Issac stands in front of me and rests his forehead on mine.

“Look at me,” he whispers. I look up into his eyes and he takes a deep breath. “Keep your eyes on me, don’t look anywhere else. Close your eyes if you need to. But only look at me. Do you understand?” I nod.

Isaiah walks up behind Issac and places his hand on his shoulder.

“Before we get this party started, let’s get rid of this,” he says, shoving Issac to the side. He grabs the front of my tank top and rips it down the middle.

“NO!” I scream and struggle. Kicking at him, but it’s too late. I’m now in my bra and panties.

“What the fuck?!” Issac shouts, pushing Isaiah away from me. One of Isaiah’s men comes up behind Issac putting a gun to his head. Isaiah laughs, straightening himself up.

“I see the appeal now,” Isaiah grins as he stares me down. He reaches out and runs a finger down the valley of my breasts. “Interesting tattoos. Maybe I’ll see the rest of them soon.”

“No, the fuck you won’t,” Issac hisses.

“Hm, we’ll see. Now, fuck up those pretty tattoos of hers,” Isaiah says, stepping away. The man behind Issac pushes him towards me, keeping the gun pointed at his head. Issac looks at me with sorrow in his eyes. I take a deep breath and nod, looking into his eyes.

“Cut over my scars. Some of them I can barely feel because the scar tissue is too thick,” I whisper. Issac sighs and nods. He brings the knife up and looks around for a scar to start with. I keep my eyes focused on him.

“Fucking Tick-Tock little brother,” Isaiah sighs.

Issacs jaw clenches. He finally finds a scar under my ribs. A scar from Carlos from when he whipped me with his belt buckle. Tears gather in my eyes, and I blink them away.

“Deep breath baby. Eyes on me” I nodded, taking a deep breath, slowly exhaling. As I exhale, Issac begins to cut through the thickened tissue. Even though some of the nerve endings in the ridged tissue are gone, I still feel a burning pinch. I whimper, squeeze my eyes shut. The tears that gathered in my eyes flowed down my cheeks.

“I’m so sorry,” Issac whispered in my ear. He leans in and rests his forehead against mine.

Ten cuts later, I feel the burning pain with each slice. Blood trickles down my stomach and ribs. Issac has stuck to only cutting me on scars that are under my ribs and the sides of my stomach. Isaiah watches intently, making sure Issac does what he requested. Before Issac could make the next cut, Isaiah speaks up.

“Enough, back away and let me take a look,” he says, walking up to us. Issac drops the knife and backs away. Once Isaiah is in front of me, he reaches out to touch me.

“Don’t fucking touch her!” Issac snaps, lounging to try and grab at Isaiah’s stretched out hand. One of his men comes up behind Issac and kicks his legs out from beneath him, sending him to the floor. He tried to stand back up, but the man holds him shoulders, keeping him down. Isaiah chuckles and turns back to me, examining Issacs work. He reaches out and traces a cut that Issac made along my hip. I hiss in pain and clench my jaw tight.

“Ah, I see. You traced over old scars,” he sighs, shaking his head. “Issac, Issac, Issac” he repeats his brother’s name as he bends down to pick up the blood coated knife. “When I said cut her, I mean like this” Isaiah quickly grabs my right thigh, yanking it up around his hips and cuts the top of my thigh open. I scream and grip onto the chains that keep me suspended. Isaiah doesn’t let go of my thigh. Instead, he squeezes the outside, digging his nails into the skin. He then takes the knife and traces the hem of my panties at the top of my hip. He dips the knife into the hem and slowly begins to cut. Issac screams and fights the guard holding him down. Another guard comes to help hold him down as he thrashes and tries to escape their grip.

“Please don’t. Not in front of him,” I whisper, looking into his eyes, hoping to find a sliver of humanity. Isaiah grins and leans into me. I feel his hot breath against my ear.

“You can beg. You can cry. You can scream and pray to whoever the fuck you believe in. But nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop me from making him suffer. I want him to watch you slowly wither away in front of his eyes. Just like how I watched her,” and with that, he slices through the rest of the fabric.

“Isaiah, I swear to fuck if you touch her, I will kill you!” Issac screams as he struggles against the two guards.

“Chain him up,” Isaiah says, looking towards the struggle. As Issac fights, one guard pulls something out of his pocket. A zapping noise echoes through the room and Issacs body freezes and shakes. The noise stops and Issac slumps to the ground. The guards drag him over to another set of chains. They chain him and leave him sitting against the wall pointed towards me.

As I’m watching Issac, a hand is slowly traveling up my lifted thigh. My eyes snap to Isaiah. He watches as he lets go of the ruined fabric and they fall to the floor. Tears instantly fall from my eyes. I look up at the ceiling and squeeze my eyes shut. I can no longer think of words to say. There is no stopping what’s about to happen.

“Evelyn wouldn’t want you to do this,” Issac says with a hoarse voice. I feel Isaiah’s hand drifting up the inside of my thigh and in between my legs.

“We don’t know what Evelyn would want. Wanna know why? Oh, wait, you know cause you fucking killed her!” Isaiah screamed. Issac speaks again when Isaiah shoves one of his fingers into me. I scream and cry at the sudden intrusion and burning pain from being dry. I hear chains rattling and scrapping.

“Please stop! Torture me! Fuck, kill me if you want to! Just leave her alone,” Issac begs.

“Don’t you see, little brother? This is me torturing you, and hopefully slowly killing you,” Isaiah laughs. I kick at Isaiah, trying to get him to let go of me. But he’s too strong.

He whispers to me, “Take it easy, flower. We don’t want you to exhaust yourself before we even begin.” I open my eyes and look at him. He still has that sickening grin on his face. He pulls his finger out, sticking it in his mouth, licking it. I clench my jaw and look towards Issac. He has tears running down his face, and he’s pulling at the rusted chains. I hear Isaiah undo his belt. My body shakes and my breathing become shallow. I continue to look at Issac.

“Close your eyes, Delilah! Block everything out, think about our sunrise!” Issac yells to me. Before I look away and close my eyes, I turn to glare at Isaiah. He spits in his hand and strokes himself. I don’t look anywhere else, only into his eyes.

“At least I’m being generous and thinking about your comfort,” he says, leaning in. I smile and snort. Then I slam my head forward, head-butting him. His head flies back, but his grip is still tight on my thigh. He looks at me after taking a moment to collect himself. His nose bleeds, and his lip is cut, and blood drips down his chin. Without warning, he slams into me, and screams fill the room. But they’re not only mine, but Issacs too.