Page 10 of Minefield

“Fuck” I mumble. I slowly bring my hands up, and whoever is behind me pats me down, taking my knives and gun. Isaiah stands up, brushing himself off, and straightens his clothes.

“I can’t wait till you see what I have planned for you and your little flower.”


I’m not sure how much time has passed since the cemetery. Isaiah had his little pawn secure me and cover my head with a black bag. I felt the vehicle come to a stop. Doors open and slam shut, and I hear gravel under shoes crunching.

My door opens and I’m yanked out. The bag is ripped from my face, revealing our location. We’re at what looks to be an old mining facility. As I look around, someone pushes my shoulder to get me to start walking. We walk into the crumbling concrete building. It’s almost empty, so our footsteps are echoing off the walls. I’m led to a dark rusted red door. Isaiah pulls out a set of keys, unlocking it.

“Can never be too careful,” he says, winking at me. He pushes the door open, and we walk in. Through the door is a set of stairs that lead down. As we reached the bottom, another door appeared. Isaiah walks up to it, unlocking it, pushing it open.

“Oh flower, you have a guest,” he sings as he opens the door. As I walk through the rusted door frame, the jingling of chains catches my attention. I snap my head to the noise, seeing a figure sitting on the floor leaning up against a far wall. Their arms secured above their head.


“Delilah?” I whispered, stepping closer. Her head hung low, and she was soaking wet. She’s only wearing a tank top and a pair of panties. “Delilah?” I say, trying to make my way over to her. Someone grabs my elbow and yanks me back.

“Not so fast, little brother,” Isaiah whispers in my ear. He pulls me towards a metal chair sat a few feet to the side of Delilah. He sits me down and reties my hands behind me to the metal chair.

“Now what?” I hiss. I try to remain calm because I know being angry won’t do any good.

“Now, we have some fun,” he says with a sickly grin. “Micah!” he shouts. “Grab the toys, would ya?”

A man who I’m assuming is Micah walks towards me, then drops a bag at my feet. Isaiah kneels and opens the bag, spilling the contents out.


Carving tools.


“The fuck are you doing, Isaiah?” I ask as he spreads the tools out.

He chuckles. “I’m not doing anything. You are,” he said with a grin, picking up a knife. He uncuffs me and yanks me up from the chair. “You see, you’re going to take this knife here and go carve up that pretty girl of yours,”

“You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m doing that,” I hiss, yanking my elbow out of his grip. He laughs again and reaches behind him, pulling out a pistol, pulling the hammer back, pointing it at me. “Either you do it, or I will. You’re going to feel what it’s like to watch things you love slowly wither away by your own hand,”

Chapter Seven


I’m woken by my body being pulled up into a standing position. I hear the chains jingle as they crawl up the wall, keeping my arms secured above my head.

“Either you do it, or I will. You’re going to feel what it’s like to watch things you love slowly wither away by your own hand,” I hear Isaiah say. My eyes shoot open and my heart sinks.

Issac stands in front of me glaring at Isaiah who’s holding a knife in one hand and a pistol against Issac temple in the other. I gasp and all eyes turn to me.

“Ah, perfect, she’s awake. Shall we ask her who she’d rather have carve her up?” Isaiah says.

“What?” I question with a weak voice.

“Actually, no. You’re GOING to carve her up or else,” Isaiah says, taking the gun away from Issac and points it at me. “She’ll get the bullet,”

Breathing hard, I lock eyes with Issac. “Issac?” Issac looks back at Isaiah and holds out his hand.

“Good choice brother,” Isaiah says as he puts a knife in Issacs outstretched hand. Two men that stand behind Issac pull out their pistols flicking the hammers back, ready to fire. Issac looks over his shoulder at them then back at Isaiah. “Better to be safe than sorry,” Isaiah says with a grin. Issac’s hand wraps around the handle of the knife.

Issac walks past Isaiah, shoulder checking him, making his way over to me.