Page 12 of Minefield

Chapter Eight


I fly through the emergency entrance, hot on the paramedic’s trail as they wheel Doll into the ER. I see Iris running out of the double doors with tears in her eyes. She stops dead in her tracks as she watches Doll pass her by. Iris locks eyes with me and trots over.

“What happened? I got a call…” she says, looking around. “Where’s Issac? Del?”

I shake my head. “We’re not sure.”

“Oh, my God. What happened?” she screeches. As I go to explain, someone shouts.

“She’s coding! Get a crash cart in here!”

Iris takes off. I go to grab her arm and stop her, but she slips through. “Iris wait!”

She tries pushing through the doctors and nurses. Finally, one doctor is able to grab her and drag her out. She screams in agony as she’s pulled from the room.

She turns towards me and stumbles over.

“Isaiah. This was Isaiah,” she cries. “Take me to the clubhouse. Now,” she demands.

“I- I can’t. The investigators are there taping off the scene,” she looks at me, confused. “Because Issac called it in, we have to get involved.” She shakes her head.

“I don’t care. Take me there. I know more about that place than any of you. I need to know if there’s anything there that can help me find my brother and Del.”

“Iris, I know you want to help figure out what happened, but I can’t” I explain again. She nods her head and runs her tongue over her teeth. She spins on her heels and walks away. “ I say as she passes through an emergency exit door. I chase after her, knowing she has something in mind. “Iris stop!” I yell as I push through the door. It leads into a parking lot where Iris is unlocking her car and opening the door. I finally catch up to her and grab her arm. “Iris you can’t- “

“Try and stop me,” she says as she spins, pointing a pistol against my chest. I put my hands up in surrender.


“You’re not going to stop me, Nathan. That woman in there coding raised me and my brothers after we lost our parents. Her and Issac were my only family. Isaiah was barely there. If you think I’m gonna sit back and wait for your investigators to do whatever the fuck they’re doing, you’re sadly mistaken.”

Knowing that there’s no reasoning with her, I give in.

“Okay. Let’s go,”

She nods and pulls the gun away. “I’ll meet you there,” she says slipping into her car.

“Fucking Ravens,” I sigh.


I follow Iris as she walks around the clubhouse, taking everything in. After arguing with the team of investigators, Iris got her way. She stops in her tracks, looking toward an open door.

“Iris?” I say, walking up next to her. She darts into the room with the open door. I follow her. I enter the room slowly and look around. There’s a large table in the middle of the room with chairs surrounding it. In the center of the table, a dead raven lies, a dagger through its heart. Iris reaches for the dagger.

“Iris don’t!” I say, trying to stop her, but it’s too late. She yanks the dagger out, setting it to the side of the raven. She gently lifts the raven, looking under it, revealing a piece of paper. She slides it out, then lays the raven back down. She reads the note, then spins around and leaves the room. I follow her into another room. An office.

Iris opens drawers and digs through them.

“Oh, they are gonna love this” I sigh, shaking my head, thinking about the wrath I’m about to receive from these investigators.

“Isaiah and his stupid fucking riddles,” she hisses as she continues to look through drawers.

“What?” I ask, hoping for an answer. Without looking, she tosses a paper over her should at me. I snatch it out of the air and read.

If only our last name was Crow. A flock of crows is called a murder, and murder is the only thing our family is good at, as you can see…