Page 133 of We Found Love

Dylan tapped his phone again.

“Dylan, what now?” a voice asked.

“Need to find a Nicholas Connors, Mickey.”

“Autumn’s from Lincoln,” Ford said.

“From Lincoln,” Dylan added. “That SUV you just ran has her inside, and we think she’s been kidnapped. Her ex, this Connors guy, is likely responsible.”

They heard the sounds of someone tapping on a keyboard. Ford’s insides had turned to ice. Was Autumn all right? Had they hurt her?

“If it’s this Nicholas Connors, he’s from money all right,” Mickey said. “They own a shit ton of real estate and businesses. Old money that’s only grown over the years. This Nicholas dude has had a few brushes with the law.”

“We need to find him.”

“Okay, leave it to me.”

They were now clear of Ryker Falls and on the road to the ranch. He could see the SUV in the distance.If I can see that vehicle, Autumn is going to be okay,Ford thought. And when he got her back, he was never letting her go.

“Roadblock,” Joe said. “We could get your family to set it up, Ford.”

“It’s dangerous, but it could work,” Dylan said.

Ford answered a call from Fin.

“I have a black SUV behind me, Ford.”

“We’re behind in Dylan’s Range Rover.”

“That explains why it’s not going as fast as I thought it would.”

“We’re thinking we could get the SRR boys to set up a roadblock, but it needs to be done now.”

“I’ll keep driving in front of them and let you know if they change course or stop.”

“I’ll call Chief Blake. You call the ranch and see if it can be done, Ford,” Dylan said.

Ford hit his brother’s number.

“Nash,” Ford said when his brother answered. “You at the ranch?”

“Yeah, just got back.”

“A black SUV has kidnapped Autumn and is heading your way. I’m in Dylan’s Range Rover with Joe, following. Fin is in front of the SUV.”

“Are you shitting me?”

“Do you think I’d lie about something like this?”

“Good point. What do you want me to do?”

“We need a roadblock. Something to stop them before they get near Rummer and can disappear.”

“We have plenty of vehicles for that,” Nash said. “How long have we got?”

Joe was talking to Chief Blake and explaining the plan.

“By my calculations, you have about thirty minutes,” Ford said.