Page 132 of We Found Love

Ford didn’t know why or how, but he believed she was inside that vehicle and in danger. Sprinting down the drive, he watched the SUV. It increased its pace as it hit the road at speed and then took off.

He jumped in his truck and followed. After pulling his phone from the pocket of his jeans, he called Fin. If he was home, he might be able to follow if Ford lost the SUV.


“I’m following a black SUV, tinted windows.” He gave the plate number. “I think Autumn is inside. I arrived at her house and it was parked in the drive, but I couldn’t see in. It left in a hurry.”

The car was now racing through town.

“Where are you now?”

“Just started up Main Street. The car is in front of me and going fast. I’m sure she’s in there, Fin. Otherwise, why wait till I was inside to leave?”

“I’m home, so I’ll get in my car and see if I can get on the road in front of it. I’ll contact Chief Blake while I’m driving.” Fin cut the call.

The car was passing another on the wrong side of the street. Ford followed and realized it was Dylan Howard’s Range Rover, but he had no time to stop.

His entire body was clenched, and he was white-knuckling the wheel. He couldn’t lose the SUV. Couldn’t lose Autumn.

He hit Answer when his phone rang.

“It’s Joe. What’s going on? Dylan and I just saw you speed by us down Main Street behind a black SUV.”

“I think Autumn’s been kidnapped and is inside.” He told them what he knew.

“Okay, we’ll follow you. Have you called Chief Blake?”

“Fin is doing that.”

“Ford, it’s Dylan. I’m having a friend of mine run the plates. Why do you think Autumn has been kidnapped?”

“Her ex is my guess. He’s in deep with some guys and wanted her to help him get money to pay the debt. Fuck!”

The SUV swerved and hit a parked car.

“Saw it, bud, but you need to stay calm. Those things are strong, and she’ll be okay till we reach her. You need to concentrate now, Ford,” Dylan said.

He sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“They know your car, Ford. I need you to drop back and let them get some distance on you. We’ll pick you up and follow.”

“I’m not stopping!”

“If you don’t, they’ll be going at this pace the entire way and likely lose you. That’s if they don’t get into a wreck. Also, your car is fast, but that one is faster. Mine will keep up, but I’d rather we simply followed at a safe distance, with them thinking they’ve lost you.”

“I can’t.”

“Listen to me, Ford.” Joe cut in. “Dylan knows what he’s about, being an FBI man. You have to trust him with this. When we clear the town, you let the car think it’s losing you and pull over.”

It went against everything that was inside him to do as they asked, but as they left the Main Street of Ryker Falls, he slowed and the car disappeared in seconds. He got out and ran to the Range Rover. Once he was inside, Dylan put his foot down on the gas.

“The guy who hired the SUV is Sylvester Tambin. He works at a club in Lincoln and has a list of bad shit he’s into,” Dylan said.

“We need to get hold of her ex,” Ford said. “Chances are this is happening because of him.”

“What’s his name?”

“Nicholas Connors. From what Autumn told me, he’s been a spoiled rich boy his entire life. Falling in and out of trouble.”