Page 134 of We Found Love

“Okay, I got it.” Nash cut the call.

“I know that, Chief, but we have to stop that SUV before it reaches Rummer,” Joe was saying. “A roadblock will do that.”

“Tell him we won’t shoot anyone,” Dylan said.

“We promise not to shoot anyone unless absolutely necessary,” Joe said before he cut the call.

Mickey called next with a number he thought belonged to Nicholas Connors, and Ford dialed it.


“This is Ford Winter, Autumn’s friend. I’m following a back SUV that I believe has kidnapped her.”

Silence followed his words.

“You better be listening to me, shithead!”

“Th-they said they wouldn’t hurt her as long as I came up with the money!”

“You got a call saying they had her?”

“Five minutes ago. They sent a picture of her tied up.” Ford could hear the panic in the man’s voice.

“What do they want?”

“Money, by tomorrow at midday. They’ll call an hour before with where to take it. But I don’t have it!”

“Now you listen to me, assface. If they harm her in any way, I’m coming for you!”

“It’s not my fault!”

“Grow the fuck up!” Ford ended the call. There was nothing Nicholas Connors could do for Autumn now. It was up to them to rescue her.

“Chief Blake said he can get to the ranch by helicopter in ten minutes. Syd Trean is picking him up. He’ll be there when the SUV arrives at the ranch hopefully,” Joe said.

“Hopefully?” Dylan asked.

“We’re low on time, but he’s thinking it will be okay.”

Joe called Jack and told him what was going on and was told Ritchie was with Bailey, confused as to where his mother was but doing okay.

“She’s going to be all right,” Ford said to himself.

“We’ll get her back, and then you can tell her you love her,” Joe said.

Ford didn’t add anything to that because Autumn would be the first person to hear those words from him.

“Okay, we’re in place. Chief Blake has just arrived with two deputies,” Nash said when Ford answered his call a while later.

“Just be careful,” Ford said.

“We will. We’re all armed, and even Mom is down here with a rifle. We’ll get your girl back, bro.”

He felt sick that everyone he loved could now be in danger.

“You armed, Ford?” Dylan asked.

“I am.”