I moved my other hand down to the right side of her and easily picked her up and brought her over to the couch. We made quick work of removing each other's clothing and once she was naked, I pushed her back onto the couch. I quickly climbed on top of her; she opened her legs to make room for me between them and my mouth was claiming her once again. She melted against me this time and ran her nails down my back.
She felt amazing against me, and I was pulsing with need. I ran my hand down her chest and over her growing stomach and down to her pussy. I slipped my index finger inside of her and started to work on stretching her. Her own hand traveled down to my dick and slowly started to work me with her warm touch. I continued to work at her core, stretching her enough so I could finally be back inside of her. She was like heroin; one time and I was addicted to her.
“I need you inside of me,” she moaned as her hips wiggled for more friction.
“Fuck yes,” I practically growled. I slipped my fingers out of her, and I could see the passion burning within her eyes as I lined myself up with her entrance. Slowly, I pushed inside of her, and bit by bit I pushed inside of her until I bottomed out. She was panting slightly as her body worked on adjusting to my size. I bent forward and started to kiss along her neck, giving her some time to collect herself.
“You okay Baby?” I asked as I took the bottom of her ear between my teeth for a second, causing her to moan.
“I’m good; fuck me,” she panted, and I could feel the need radiating within her.
Slowly I pulled back almost all the way before I pushed back in at the same pace. I felt her walls loosening up around my dick, and I angled my hips, seeking out her sweet spot. That one spot inside of her that will make her see stars.
“Charlie!” she softly screamed as her back arched slightly, and I knew I had hit it perfectly.
“That’s it, Baby; moan for me. Be as loud as you want; we’re all alone.”
“Don’t stop,” she begged.
I had no intention of stopping. I felt her loosened up enough, and I started to pick up my pace, making sure to aim for her sweet spot every time. The room was filled with our moans and pants. I could feel both of our climaxes building, and it wouldn’t be long before we were both falling off that cliff. After a few more thrusts, I felt her walls clenching down around me.
“Fuck, Babe,” she gave a deep moan as her body tensed, and her walls started to pulse around me.
The added pressure on my dick was too much for me, and I snapped my hips forward, burying myself as deep inside of her as I could as I came with a deep groan. I placed my forehead against hers as I fought to get my breathing back under control. We were both breathing heavily, and I knew she would be feeling light-headed after all of that.
“You doing okay Sweetheart?” I asked after I got my breathing back under control.
“Mhmm,” she said with her eyes closed and a goofy smile across her face.
Seeing her like this made me smile. I knew once the baby arrived we weren’t going to have much time with each other like this. It was nice to be able to spend the night together without having to worry about Zoey hearing us or walking in. I wrapped my arm around her waist and maneuvered us, so she was on her side with her chest pressed against mine. I would need to move us to the bedroom, but for now there was no other place I would rather be.
Todayhadgonewell.I was able to get a good chunk of the accounts organized, and I was hoping tomorrow I would be able to get them completed. I was looking forward to putting my feet up and just relaxing tonight. I knew Charlie wasn’t going to be home yet. He had taken Zoey out for dinner. He wanted to have some one-on-one time with her and make sure she was okay with all the changes that came her way. He also didn’t want her to feel like they couldn’t still have their special dates together. It was sweet and I was glad that he was taking Zoey out and they could continue to bond with each other. It had been an adjustment for Zoey, and this would allow them some time to just talk, and he could make sure Zoey was fine with everything.
The second I opened the front door I was expecting for the lights to be off. What I wasn’t expecting was for there to be a trail of candles and rose petals on the floor.
“What?” I softly asked myself as I closed the door behind me.
The glow of the candles were soft, but it was enough for me to be able to see the rose petals went all over the floor towards the kitchen. I had no idea what was going on, but I had to assume Charlie was up to something. I placed my purse down and began to walk towards the kitchen. Only when I arrived the rose petals and candles continued out into the open backdoor. The whole backyard took my breath away. There were candles everywhere, literally everywhere. It looked like stars had fallen and were glowing all over the yard. And in the middle of it all was Charlie standing there with the sexiest smile I had ever seen.
“What are you doing?” I asked as I went and joined him. My eyes still traveled all over the yard as I tried to take it all in.
“Something that should have been done properly the first time,” he answered with a deep warm smile.
He put his hand into his pocket, and he pulled out a small black velvet box as he got down on one knee. Instantly my hands shot up to my mouth as I realized what he was about to do. I should be telling him to get up, but all I could do was stand here completely shocked.
“Maya, you came into my life by pure chance, not once but twice. I swore to myself that I would never ever get married, but having you in my life has been the best time of my life. I love you, as crazy as that sounds, I love you. And I want to be able to tell people that you are my wife without lying about it. I don’t want to go back to not having you in my life. Not having you in Zoey’s life.”
Oh my god. This was actually happening. He was really proposing to me, for real. Not because he needed a wife to get ownership of a land. Not because he felt obligated to be with me. He wanted to be my husband for real because he loved me. This was a moment I never thought I would get to experience. I never thought I would be able to have a husband, a real family, and here Charlie was looking to give me just that. Looking to give me what I had dreamt about ever since I was a young child. There was so much love within his eyes. I knew he meant every single word he said to me.
“You are a remarkable woman. You’re strong, smart, sassy, and beautiful inside and out. I love everything about you, and I am going to love everything new that I learn about you. Will you do me the greatest honor and say yes to becoming my wife, for real?”
This was crazy. We barely knew each other. All logic and rational thinking was telling me to say no. That we didn’t know each other well enough. That we were going too fast between having a baby and now this. That we needed to slow things down and learn more about each other. All of that made sense to me, but that wasn’t what I felt. Despite how insane it sounded, I loved him. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be with Zoey. I wanted all four of us to be a family. I loved being fake married to him, at least after we worked through the kinks. I knew there would be more problems that came up. We were human, but I truly believed the love that we shared for each other would be strong enough to get us through. I had to play it safe for the past five years. I was done with playing it safe. I was done with denying myself true pleasure in life.
“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you,” I said with a teary-eyed smile.
He was instantly shooting up and pulling me in for a kiss. He felt so good against me, and I knew I was never going to get tired of how he felt. All too soon he was pulling back, and he went and took off my fake wedding ring and slipped on my new engagement ring. It was a simple diamond in a simple cut, and it was perfect. He knew me so well.