“It’s gorgeous,” I said with a big smile.

“Just like you.”

I couldn’t help the playful eye roll at his words. “Corny. So corny,” I teased.

“Yeah, but you love me for it,” he said with a cocky smile.

“That I do.” I gave him a loving smile before I continued, “Where’s Zoey?”

“Ms. Wilson has her out for a bit, but she will be back soon. Any fun stuff will have to wait until she is in bed.”

“I guess I can wait. How are we going to get married when everyone believes we already are?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Could say we are renewing our vows. Or we could do a private wedding with just our closest friends. I’m good with either.”

Having a big wedding would be what most girls dream of, but for me that just seemed like so much work and energy. I would rather put all of that into our marriage and getting the house ready. Besides, we only really had a few people to invite. We had no family. I had no friends and from what I had seen, he didn’t have much in the friend department either. I was perfectly happy with a small and simple wedding.

“I’m all for small and simple. Unless you have a whole hidden family that I don’t know about. I don’t see the need to make a big show of things. Especially if you don’t care either way.”

“All I need is you and Zoey there. We can turn the backyard into something really nice, have a photographer for some photos. We can do a small cake and have some great food and just enjoy the day with our closest friends.”

“That sounds perfect to me. But I would like to do it before I am massive.” It’s not that I was in a real big hurry, but it would be nice to be officially married before the baby comes.

“We can do it whenever you want. We can do it tomorrow if you want,” he easily said.

“Okay, well that might be too fast,” I said with a small chuckle. “But maybe in like a few weeks. Would you be okay with that?”

The last thing I wanted was to sound demanding in any way. This was also a big deal for him. He never expected to get married after everything with his parents. I didn’t want to pressure him.

“Absolutely. We can do it in a few weeks, and we can set it all up. I just want to be with you. That’s all I care about.”

“You sure? I know this is a big deal for you on more than one level.” I knew he had just proposed so he should be more than confident in his decision to get married, but the question needed to be asked.

“I have never been more sure of something in my life. It’s a huge difference to what I always believed, but I am not going to stand in my own way of being happy. I want to marry you. I want you to be my official and real wife. I’m not going to let my father’s actions dictate my life any longer. I am one hundred percent sure this is what I want.”

There was this massive wave of relief that overtook me, and instantly I felt better. This was something he truly wanted, and I also wanted.

“Good, because I am one hundred percent sure that I want to be your wife.”

He moved his hand up to the back of my neck and slowly pulled me in for a kiss. I was never going to get tired of feeling his lips against mine. Feeling his skin running along mine. Before we could get too far with it, he was pulling back. I would have loved to rip his clothes off, but I knew we had to wait until tonight when Zoey was in bed. But once she was, he was all mine, and I planned on taking full advantage of that.


“Throwabigtownparty, you said. How hard could it be, you said,” Maya teased with a massive smile as we got the truck loaded up.

“Okay, I might have underestimated the amount of work that would be involved,” I said with a heavy breath.

Everyone in town was excited for the celebration in the Town’s Square. It was going to happen next month, and it was going to be great for the town to get everyone excited about renovations and growing. It was also going to be a lot more work than I had anticipated to get it all set up. We didn’t have a council to help us, so right now it was just Maya and I, but she was pregnant and needed to be careful with lifting anything heavy. I was definitely going to have to find some volunteers that could help us out.

“Ya think?” she teased as she went to get into the truck.

“I’ll put the word out that we need some volunteers to help get everything collected and set up for that day.”

“I am sure there will be plenty of people more than happy to help you. When we get back to the office we really need to go over the town map and see what houses and businesses need to be renovated and get a priority list going.”

“We do. I want to make sure the homes and buildings within the middle of town get handled, and then we can expand out. It would be good to build up the downtown core. I also want to see what land properties we have and get them looking building ready. That way any outsiders that want to build their home here can truly see what the property has to offer instead of massive amounts of grass and weeds.”

We needed to expand, but I also wanted to make sure the properties that we had were taken care of first before building new ones. I also wanted to see about building smaller apartment buildings, maybe above some stores so anyone that was looking to live in town didn’t need to purchase a house to do so. There was a lot that we needed to get done, but we also had to work on our wedding. We needed to keep it quiet, because everyone believed we were already married. We had decided to get married in our backyard, so it was more intimate, and we didn’t have to deal with all the flash.