“You don’t cook?” I asked.
“I don’t have much time for it. I’m always working, and when I get home, I have normally just picked something up along the way. I thought about doing one of those food box things where you pick meals and all you have to do is cook it. The problem is though I never seem to have the time to cook it even if it shows up at my doorstep. It is something I am going to have to try and get better at. Do you enjoy cooking?”
“I don’t mind cooking, but unless it’s breakfast or pasta, I pretty suck at it,” Maya answered with a slight smirk.
The sudden laugh from Hellen instantly had my guard up. “I was exactly the same. I was so bad at it, that I was actually kicked out of the kitchen in prison.”
“You got fired from a prison job?” I asked with my own chuckle.
“It almost never happened, but I was terrible at it. Roughly eight years ago now, my own friend said enough was enough, and she got me private cooking lessons for my birthday. She had to make sure they were private so I wouldn't set anyone on fire. Oh, that poor teacher.”
“But you cook now?” Maya asked.
“I do. I stuck with it, and I’m not the best, but I can follow a recipe and the food doesn’t end up black. It took a lot of lessons though, and I am fairly certain my teacher quit teaching after me. But I can cook a meal and not have to have a fire extinguisher next to me or have 9-1-1 already dialed and ready to hit send.”
“I have to imagine your neighbors are relieved,” I said.
“They are yes, and they know that they can now eat whatever I bring for the neighborhood potluck,” she said with a bright smile.
We continued on with light and simple conversation. I knew we needed to get into why we were all really here tonight, but I didn’t think it was something we should be diving into. It wasn’t until we were all sitting down in the living room with a cup of coffee did I bring up what our true topic for tonight was.
“I am looking forward to having you around Hellen, and I am very happy that Maya has the chance to get to know her biological family. However, I think it’s also important that Maya feels comfortable with the pace, and I feel the best way to ensure that is for there to be some ground rules.”
I didn’t want to make it sound like we had to work out custody or something, but she also needed to understand that Maya couldn’t just jump right in either.
“Absolutely. I completely understand that this has been difficult for Maya. I’ve always known about her existence, and I’ve been looking for her for a long time now. However, she had no idea that I was even alive still. It’s going to take more than a week or two to process everything. It’s a big change and anything I can do to help ease that transition I am more than happy to do so.”
The smile on her face was pure love and understanding. I suspected she would be okay with any boundary that Maya put into place, but it was a relief to hear her say it.
“I think if we just take it slow and get to know each other that would be a good place to start. I can’t call you Mom, and if anyone asks, I’ll introduce you as Hellen. I don't want to seem disrespectful, but you’re a stranger to me and I don’t know if we will ever have a mother/daughter relationship. But I would like to try and at least have some type of friendship,” Maya explained, and I was proud of her for keeping her voice firm and not being afraid of asking for what she wanted. I was a bit worried she would wafer once Hellen was sitting across from her.
“And if friends are all we can be, all you can handle, then I will gladly take it. I just want to be in your life, however I fit within it. I’ve been looking for you for so long Baby Girl, but I never thought I would actually find you and get to meet you. Not only you, but your own child. All I want is to share a piece of your life with you. How big that piece is, it’s one hundred percent up to you.”
A genuine smile spread across Maya’s face, and it warmed my heart to see. Tonight had gone a lot better than I had anticipated, and it was a massive weight taken off of my shoulders. I was just hoping it would stay this well between them.
I closed the door and the second it clicked closed, I turned to face Maya.
“You alright?” I asked knowing this had been a lot for her.
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, it’s a shock still. But we now know the truth, and I guess I will work on dealing with it and making peace with it.”
I knew it was going to take a bit for this to become normal to her, but if we worked at it, then it would start to feel normal, and she might even like having a mother in her life. I went over and wrapped my arms around her as I spoke, “Getting to have her in your life is a good thing. I know what you went through growing up was hard; I can’t even imagine. But you have a chance to have her in your life now, and she seems very understanding and respecting your boundaries.”
“She does, and that’s a huge relief. I think you take it slow and both of you will get the chance to get to know who the other is.”
Hellen seemed to be very understanding, and she didn't fight with anything that Maya had to say. It was a huge relief that she understood how difficult this was for Maya, and she wasn’t pressuring her to exceed her limits.
“We’ll see. As for the rest of tonight,” she said with a flirty smile as she ran her hand down my chest.
“I like where this is going,” I stated as I ran my hands over her ass.
I slowly moved and closed the small gap between our lips and pressed mine against hers. She instantly responded and my tongue darted out and touched her lips, seeking entrance which she quickly granted to me. The second our tongues touched I felt a fire erupt from my chest, and neither of us were able to hold back the soft moans that escaped our lips.
I moved my hand to her hips, pulling her closer to me. The need to touch her was quickly becoming too great, and I ran my hand down her legs to the bottom of her dress. I slipped my hand underneath her dress and over her glorious ass. Her skin was smooth and hot against my own. I maneuvered us so her back was pressed against the wall. She wrapped her left leg around my hips, and the new position allowed me to grind against her. My hard cock rubbed up against her pussy, and I knew she would already be wet. The sensation caused a wave of pleasure to shoot down my spine, and I knew I was never going to get enough of her.
When the need for air became too much, I pulled back just enough to trail kisses down her neck. She tilted her head back to grant me better access as her hands went to work on removing me of my shirt.
“Charlie,” she moaned as her hips moved faster against me. She was already close, but I wasn’t about to just let her fall off that edge. It was far too soon for that.