Page 58 of The Hookup Type

Out in the living room, Jared and a few guys from the football team were playing beer pong. Random groups of people I didn’t recognize stood around laughing and talking over the loud music. Bryson was in the kitchen pouring shots with Heather and yelling random shit over the counter.

Reagan stopped me just as I rounded the corner. She hooked her thumbs through the belt loops of her jeans. “What’s up, you?”

“Just getting a drink,” I said dryly and continued my walk to the kitchen.

Bryson yelled for everyone to grab one more shot before we headed out to the bars. People swarmed to his request, and shots were passed throughout the crowd. He threw a hand on my shoulder and raised his glass. Everyone followed, and there was a moment of silence as we threw it back.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and pulled my room key out of my pocket. Shot-gunning a beer seemed like a good way to get a buzz going. My idea prompted a few other people to do it too, and soon one beer became three.

After a few minutes of filing out of the apartment, we were on our way.

* * *

The walkto the bars was just as shitty as I anticipated it to be. I picked a dumb night not to wear a hat, especially since I just cut my hair.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Connor. I had texted him before we left to see where he was at with Maci and Katie. As soon as we got onto Main, he answered.


The Attic.

I caught up with Bryson, who was walking with some girl I didn’t recognize.

“What’s up, man?” I smiled. The girl stopped talking and shot me a grin. “Let’s hit The Attic.”

“I love The Attic!” The girl beside Bryson screamed and tried to link her arm through his. He shook her off almost instantly and walked a little faster so it was just the two of us.

“That girl is weird.” He pulled out his phone, and I averted my eyes when I saw Maci’s name on his screen. He typed something back. “The Attic is fine.”

There was no line to get in when we approached the bar. After the guy at the door checked our IDs, we went upstairs to the entrance. “Shut Up and Dance With Me” by Walk the Moon boomed through the speakers, and the bar was packed.

I led Bryson, Jared, and some other people from our party to the bar. A few people trickled away to the dance floor and the stripper pole in the corner of the room. It was a wild scene, and it wasn’t even midnight yet.

“Jack and Coke!” I yelled to the bartender and handed her my card. She started my tab and returned with my order.

I took a long sip and scanned the room for a familiar face. I looked away immediately when I saw Heather and Reagan on the stripper pole. I didn’t want either of them anywhere near me tonight. They screamed when the song changed to “Trap Queen” by Fetty Wap, and the whole bar sang with the opening. Connor’s plaid shirt caught my eye as the chorus erupted throughout the place.

I crossed the room and smacked his shoulder. He lit up when he saw me.

“What’s up, bro!” Connor’s eyes were glossy, and he had some color in his cheeks. It was a rare occasion to see Connor drunk, but it was always hilarious.

“Jaxon!” Katie screamed and pretty much tackled me to the ground. I planted my feet to keep us from falling and hugged her back.

“How come I don’t get that greeting?” Connor teased and grinned down at Katie.

“Don’t complain about the types of greeting I giveyou,” she snapped, and I raised my hands innocently to back out of it.

I lowered my mouth to Katie’s ear. “Where’s Mace?”

She pointed to the balcony. “Outside, I think. With Sam!”

I nodded and weaved in and out of the crowd to the balcony. It was still cold outside, but heaters hung from the rafters, making it bearable to stand there.

It didn’t take me long to find Maci. She was laughing at something Sam said at a small table by the railing. I recognized a few people standing around them from the last time we went out together. She looked hot in a blue crop top, a black leather jacket, and jeans. Her hair was curled again, and I could see her blue eyes from only a few feet away.

Bryson approached her from behind and whispered something in her ear. She laughed and turned to face him with a giant grin on her face. I took a deep breath and approached the table, ready to get the rest of this night over with.
