He looked surprised that I remembered that much of our last conversation before break.
“Yeah.” His lips curved into a small smile, and he set his empty soup cup on the counter. “I should probably get going. I have to get up early and finish a stupid discussion board assignment before class.”
I tried not to look disappointed when I watched him gather up his things from the living room. He took a few steps toward the door and turned around to face me. He closed the space between us and opened his arms up for me to come closer.
I set my soup down and leaned into him, breathing in the scent of his hoodie.
We broke apart, and I took a deep breath to stop my voice from shaking. “Are you going to come out tomorrow?”
“Probably.” He answered like the question wasn’t awkward at all for me to ask. “I’m just not sure if I’ll come here first or see you at the bars.”
I nodded, and he smiled back before he walked out the door. I cleaned up our ramen and kept the kitchen light on in case Connor or Katie woke up. I snagged my phone from the end table, and it buzzed in my hand.
Lock the door.
I shook my head at his reminder and followed his instructions.
Damn. Give me a minute!
Your side of town has these crazy ex-boyfriends running around. Just lookin out.
I have you to call for that ;)
I didn’t know if that comment went too far. I hated the feeling of being worried about if I was pushing past the line of friendship. Everything I said and everything I did felt like it had to be censored. I didn’t want him to run off if he caught hints of me wanting more, but he didn’t make it simple either. It was like tiptoeing around something that would be so easy, but somehow we made it so hard.
January 2016
Base boomedfrom the living room, followed by the usual yelling and screaming when we had people over before we went out. I chugged half my beer and pulled out the last paragraph of my first Economics paper. I had waited until the last minute, and it was almost eleven and only a few minutes from being late.
Connor left to go to Maci and Katie’s about an hour or two ago. I wasn’t lying when I told him I had to finish this assignment, but I still felt a little shitty about it. So now here I was, trying to think around the nonsense happening in my living room and trying not to think of what Maci was doing right now at her place. It wasn’t going well.
There was a knock on my door, and Heather strolled in without warning. She had a drink in her hand, and her tits spilled out of her top.
“Nope.” I pointed back out in the hall.
“I’m just saying hi.” She took a few more steps into my room.
“No, the fuck you’re not.” I emphasized my extended arm. “Get out. I have shit I need to finish.”
Heather rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her. She made my skin crawl just with her presence. No matter how shitty I treated her, she was always right there and ready to take more. It just made her easier to dislike as a person.
I didn’t want my mood to be ruined by Heather somehow getting invited over here. Being an asshole tonight was the last thing I wanted to do.
There was a knock on my door, and Bryson walked in with two shot glasses. “How much longer, J?”
When I saw the massive grin on his face, I decided to give up. I typed out a poorly written sentence and submitted the document. I had four minutes left until the cutoff time, and there was nothing else I could do to save this assignment.
I took the shot from Bryson and chased it down with the rest of my beer. Bryson cheered as he walked down the hall. “Last call for shots!”
I shut my door so I could change and get a moment without any other interruptions. I put on a gray Henley and dark jeans. It was cold outside, but I would sweat in the bars if I wore any other layers. One chooses to be hot inside or cold outside this time of year. There was no in-between.