Page 59 of The Hookup Type


January 2016

It was happening.The moment I had dreaded since that night of Drunk Driving in my apartment. I had Bryson in my ear as Jaxon approached our table. They were in the same place again, and I felt myself sweating in my leather jacket. I had such high hopes for this outfit, and here I was, melting into it.

“My man.” Bryson extended his hand, and Jaxon shook it the way guys do. It seemed silly since they just arrived together, but I would never understand the unspoken language guys had.

“Sup.” Jaxon leaned onto the table. He raised his eyebrows at me, and I smirked back. He couldn’t greet me or address me like he normally did because Bryson was here. It wouldn’t fit with the lie he scripted.

I looked him over and admired how his shirt hugged his chest and arms. His cologne rolled off him as he leaned in to take a drink, and I had to turn away before I drooled on the table in front of me. Bryson suddenly felt heavy on my back.

Last night I was talking over ramen and delicacies with Jaxon. Now I was picturing him naked, while the guy I was hooking up with was literally right behind me.

Bryson lowered his mouth to my ear. “You want another drink?”

I nodded. I needed more than a drink. I needed the whole bar. I watched Bryson walk back inside and disappear into the crowd.

I didn’t want an awkward silence to hover over the table, so I skimmed my hand against Jaxon’s. “Hey, you.”

“You look good.” He gestured toward my outfit and turned his body to face mine. Butterflies erupted behind my navel, and I thanked the dark lighting for hiding the color that rose to my cheeks.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I said just before Bryson returned with my beer. Our gaze lingered for a moment before Katie and Connor’s arrival brought us back to the group.

“I want a Green Giant drink!” Katie yelled over the music. Sam encouraged her with a high five and looked at me for my reaction.

“I am not freezing my ass off at Tiki bar so you can get a drink, Katie.” I shook my head and took a sip of my beer.

She stuck out her bottom lip, and Connor laughed.

“Don’t encourage her, Connor!” I giggle-yelled over the table. “You guys go then!”

Jaxon turned to face Katie. “Let’s stay here for a little bit. Come do a shot with me.”

Katie squealed and followed Jaxon and Connor back inside the bar. My chest loosened a little at the separation. Being around Bryson with Jaxon standing only a few feet away was almost impossible.

I looked back at Bryson, and he moved so he was next to me. He leaned in, and the familiar smell of Black & Mild mixed with his cologne swept over me.

“You wanna take a shot?” He gestured toward the doorway and grinned. His golden-brown eyes were glossy, and I knew he was feeling good. His smile was contagious, and I couldn’t resist the charm that seemed to effortlessly seep out of him.

I nodded, and he grabbed my hand to stop me from heading inside.

To my total surprise, he cupped my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. I almost buckled right there in the middle of the balcony crowd. We were in public, and his tongue weaved against mine. People walked by us like it was another Friday night, not paying us the slightest bit of attention. Even though that was exactly what was happening, I felt like every pair of eyes was locked on us.

Bryson pulled away, and his mouth spread into a drunken smile.

“You’re probably gonna regret that later,” I warned.

He shrugged. “Let’s hope not.”

We broke away at the pool tables, completely forgetting the shot he offered. He went toward a group of people I didn’t recognize, and I joined Katie, Jaxon, Connor, and Jared at the bar. They had just taken a Green Tea shot when I approached the counter.

“Maci!” Katie screamed and threw her arms around my neck. I was literally gone from her for two seconds. Clearly, other shots had been taken before the one I witnessed.

Connor handed me something pink, and I knocked it back. It tasted like strawberry.

“That was amazing!” I yelled and hugged Katie around the waist. I steadied her and leaned our body weight against the bar.

“Wanna take a hit?” Jared asked Connor and Jaxon. He made a smoking gesture with his hand and motioned toward the back entrance of the bar.