So why can’t I shake her from my mind? I’ve only been around her once until all of this went down. I don’t know, there’s something about her pulling me in. No matter how much I’d like to give in to it, I can’t. I need to find someone who can get me out of this rut. It’s been a while. Suddenly, the thought turns my stomach because if I found someone else to be a quick fling, they wouldn’t be Lucy. Damn it all to hell.
I caught a ride back to the ranch with Sterling. Bree and I both think he’s losing his mind. He left Ivie in the hospital. We both told him to go back and be with her, but he says he doesn’t know what to think right now. Almost losing her, and apparently another baby has messed with his head. I have no doubts he’ll come around; I only hope it doesn’t take him long because Ivie needs him.
After I checked in with Hawk—my first in charge in my absence—I went back to my house and got ready for bed. Rocky was waiting for me. His tail started thumping the hardwoods as I walked over to rub behind his ears. I turn out the lights and lie in the dark silently. Rocky’s heavy breathing reaches me, letting me know at least he’s able to sleep.
My mind wanders back to those bruises, not to mention the large cut on her head which required a plastic surgeon’s stitches. The dream she was having seemed more like a nightmare. Then she called out the nameTaylor… the guy from the bar the other night. I’m going to do some digging of my own. I know in my gut he put his hands on her. But are all her injuries from him, or is some of it Jade’s handiwork? I’m not sure how I’ll find out, but my gut is telling me she’s hiding some nasty secrets. Even if I’m wrong about that guy, she’s been traumatized by what’s happened, not to mention it appears her biological father wants to be in her life. It’s a lot to take in for anyone.
Briella and I spend the next few days going to the hospital to check on Ivie since Sterling’s been hiding out. I wish I could help him but fears like those can’t be made to disappear like magic. Not to mention he’s worried they don’t trust each other since Jade twisted things and made them both doubt the other.
Lucy’s in the hospital room with Ivie when Bree and I enter. “Hey guys. They’re letting me go home today. Mom and Dad are getting me a change of clothes and then we’ll get my discharge papers. Dr. Ray says the baby is still doing good, but she wants me to start coming to her clinic regularly to make sure everything stays on track.” She smiles behind watery eyes.
My heart aches for her. I know she needs Sterling here. “How is he?” she asks.
Bree and I both glance at each other before turning back to Ivie. “He’s buried in paperwork and tying up loose ends with the case,” Briella supplies quickly, too quickly.
Ivie shifts her eyes to me. “Is that so?” I can’t lie to this woman.
“Ivie, I know you really want him here, but he’s trying to sort through things. Almost losing you and the baby did something to him. I’ve never seen him this way. Bree’s right, he’s buried in his work, but that’s to get his mind off whatever is going on in his head. Don’t give up on him, all right? I know he’s screwing up by not being here, but he asks about you every day. He loves you, and this baby,” I tell her gently.
She closes her eyes as tears slide down her pretty face. Lucy sits in the chair beside her bed… her eyes fixed on Ivie as she holds her hand. I wish I could drag him in here and bring him to his senses.
Bree hugs her. “It’s going to be okay, Ivie. You’ll see. Y’all are meant to be.”
Lucy glances at me briefly. Her beautiful face is still marred with bruises, and she still has stitches. It hurts me to see her this way. Rather than dig a deeper hole with her, I excuse myself and head to the truck to wait on Bree.
Ten minutes later we’re headed back to the ranch. I have some things to do in the barn when we get there. I’ve been rebuilding one of the barn doors, and I intend to finish it today. I need to do something to keep me busy and to distract my thoughts away from a certain dark-haired beauty.
Rhett, Rayna, and I help Ivie settle in at home. Ivie’s on the couch staring at the wall. She’s been there since she came home yesterday. Rhett and Rayna make an excuse to leave for a short time so we can be alone. I sit beside Ivie and grab her hand.
“Hey, babe. Don’t shut me out. I’m here for you,” I tell her as I rub the top of her hand with my thumb. She looks at me, lays on my shoulder, and she allows her emotions to flow freely. When she finally calms down, I help her lie down and cover her with a blanket.
She reaches out for me. “Please stay with me until I fall asleep.”
I sit down beside where she lays her head. “I’m not going anywhere. If I do, I’ll wait until you’re asleep and I won’t be gone long. I need to run home to shower and change.” She sniffles a little but nods.
I play with her hair until she falls asleep, then quietly tip toe to the door and lock it before walking to my car and texting Rhett.
Me:Hey, I’m leaving for an hour or two. She’s finally asleep. I’ll be back soon.
Rhett:Okay, thanks, Lucy, be careful please.
Me:I will.
Rhett:Love you, honey.
I lock my phone. I’ve yet to tell him I love him in return. Logically I know I do; I’m not entirely ready to go there yet. He’s made no move to push me, but he’s been undeniably present daily since the night at the old hospital when the truth came out.
I drive to my little cottage and find Mom waiting for me. I get out as she walks over to me, wrapping me in a hug. “Hey sweetie. How are you feeling today?”
I walk past her to unlock my front door. When I got out of the hospital, I had to get the spare key to my rental from Serena. I quickly dash to my bedroom door and close it. I haven’t been in there since Taylor attacked me other than to get clothes and use my bathroom. I return to the kitchen where Mom’s standing. “I just need a long hot shower, Mom. Nothing a little down time can’t soothe.”
Mom searches me head-to-toe with worried eyes. “You’re telling me everything, right? I mean you’re safe here—alone?” She tucks my hair behind my ear. I put my hand on top of hers as she rests it on my cheeks. “I’m fine, Mom. Promise.” Only, am I lying or is it the truth?
She smiles gently. “You know you can stay with me a while if you want. How’s it going with Rhett by the way?”
“It’s good, Mom. He’s being the way I imagine a real dad—one I wasn’t allowed to know—is supposed to act.” I regret the words the moment they leave my lips.
Mom visibly flinches.