“I’m sorry, Mom.”

“I love you, sweetie. I only did what I thought was best for you and our family… and theirs. I hope one day you can forgive me.” She’s on the verge of tears.

“I love you too. I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around everything, but I will.” I smile at her as much as I can.

“Well, I won’t keep you if you’re about to shower. Please call me or come over if you need me.” She wraps me in her arms again as if she’s afraid I’ll disappear, then walks out the front door.

Iwalk into my bedroom after checking my locks—which I had changed the same day I came home—and my tired eyes assess the damage. I’ve barley been here. I certainly haven’t cleaned anything up. My vanity mirror is broken to pieces and there’s blood on the part still hanging on the wall. There are shards of glass all over the floor along with drops of blood. My stomach turns.

I walk to my closet and pull out some jeans and an oversized teal sweatshirt, then my bra and panties before heading to the shower. Once in, the water eases the tension in my muscles. When I finish, I get out and dress, then dry my hair, but I still can’t mess with make-up. My bruising is better but not enough for that.

I stare at my reflection, seeing embers of who I used to be. Taylor put out the fire that once burned inside me.Fire.I think back to the night I danced with Tate, he called mefirecracker. I used to be, but now… not so much.

I need to go to Sterling’s ranch. We need to talk about Ivie. Not only is she my best friend, but she’s also my sister. I need to say a few things only a best friend and sister could say and maybe snap him out of his own head.

I grab my keys and purse and head out, locking up behind me, then get in my car and head to Valley B, which is Sterling’s ranch. A sizzle of anticipation creeps through my mind knowing Tate will probably be there, but it’s a waste of time thinking about him. I don’t have time to entertain silly fantasies.

When I pull up, no one’s around. Sterling’s unmarked cruiser isn’t here so I decide to sit on the front porch steps and wait for him.

A little while later, Sterling pulls up, gets out of his car, and hesitantly walks to where I sit. I assume he’s wondering what I’m doing here.

“Lucy, how are you?” he starts cautiously.

“I’ll be okay, but I’m not here for me. I’m here for my sister. And you,” I tell him with conviction.

“Lucy, I appreciate that, but really, I don’t want to talk about this.” He tries to escape this conversation quietly.

This man doesn’t think I’m going to back down, does he? If so, he has another thing coming.

I stand on the step so I’m at eye level with him. “I’m not asking, Sterling. I came here to say something, and youwilllisten.”

He crosses his arms defensively, realizing I’m not backing down. “I’m listening.”

“First of all, thank you for saving us. Second, what are you doing, Sterling? Ivie thinks you don’t love her. That you don’t care. I know neither of those things is true. She’s hurting so bad right now. She’s needed you, and she thinks you’ve given her up. Giventhemup.”Because it’s what men do to me. They give me up without a second glance.My heart screams even knowing Sterling won’t walk away from Ivie forever.

“Lucy, everyone else has been there. I’ve had to finish the case, and Bree and Tate have been updating me.”

I can’t help but counter with attitude. “And you think that’s good enough? Sterling, she’s been so scared in that hospital. She’s afraid of losing the baby, like before. She was alone for that. And yes, I get that she didn’t tell you or anyone then, but this time you’re here, she’s here, and you know about the baby. Yes, we’ve all been there, but it’s you she wants, you that she needs. She’s convinced herself she’s lost you, that she doesn’t deserve you.” My heart is breaking for my sister as I tell the love of her life how she feels.

“She doesn’t even live here, Lucy. My life is here. Hers is two hours away. Where does that leave us? Long distance?” he asks, and I find myself wanting to throttle him for not knowing.

Instead, I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose, letting out an annoyed breath. “You don’t know, do you? You haven’t talked to her at all since everything went down that night.”

Sterling seems alarmed, “Know what?”

“She isn’t leaving. She’s taking the job here that Jake offered her. She’s not running anymore. And I’m sorry, but you should understand why she left before. She was trying to protect you; she wasn’t runningfrom you,even though it broke her in the process.”

“I didn’t know,” he says quietly.

“You stay in the dark if you don’t seek out the truth sometimes, Sterling. You should know that with your job and all. Listen, you and Ivie have been given a second chance. A real chance. Grab it and don’t let go. She’s always loved you, and you love her, now go do something about it.”

I step down from the porch and start toward my dark green car.

Sterling yells before I get to it, “Has she been released yet?”

I turn back around to look at him. “She got to go home yesterday. She’s still at home and hasn’t left her room except to eat a little.” He lifts his chin as if to say thank you. I smile and turn back toward my car.

At the same time, Tate exits the barn. He stops and so do I. I can see those blue depths studying me, looking like he wants me to stay. I pull myself out of the trance he created with his eyes and get in my car to leave. I put on my sunglasses even as the sun is starting to set, and sneak another peek his direction, seeing him walking toward Sterling but eyeing my car. I put it in gear and drive away. I can’t let myself get any further drawn into him.