She looks at me with knowing eyes. “We all need someone, doll.” She pinches her lips together waiting on my response, but I stay quiet. She finally lets out a defeated sigh. “Is there anyone else I can call for you? Your parents? A sibling? A friend?”

I shake my head. “My mom will flip out if she sees me like this. My dad’s already here, so is my sister. They’re the only people I’d call.”

She checks my vitals again before making sure I have everything I need. “It’s getting late. Perhaps rest will be better than company anyway. I’ll be right outside your room at the nurse’s station. If you need anything just press the call button and I’ll be here.” She winks as she starts for the door.

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” I tell her as I lay my head back on the propped-up pillow. I close my eyes and start to drift off. I’m quickly jolted awake by a nightmare, rather than a dream, and when I open my eyes, Tate is there standing over me in the almost darkened room.

His eyes are glued to mine, searching for answers. This is exactly why I didn’t want him here. I won’t answer the questions I know he wants to ask. “What were you dreaming about?” he asks quietly.

“I don’t remember,” I lie. Lies shouldn’t roll off my tongue so easily, but years of Taylor’s escalating abuse have perfected my ability to hide the truth. I rub my hand over my eye then wince realizing my mistake. My face feels like a punching bag. I don’t even know what I look like right now, but I can’t imagine it’s good.

Tate leans closer. “Oh, I think you do, darlin’.” He continues to study me. I shift and hit the button for the lights, flooding the room harshly.

“What do you want, Tate? I already told you I’m fine, you don’t have to be here.” As I speak the words, my heart cracks under their weight, or rather the weight of the lie. But also, the weight of the truth—I want nothing more than for him to climb in this bed with me and hold me all night.

“I told you I’d swing by and check on you before I left.”

“How long have you been in here?” I make myself hold his stare even though I’m quivering inside.

“Long enough to know you were having a nightmare. Long enough to hear you call out someone’s name.” He glances back at the bruises on my arms, clearly able to see fingerprints. I start to move my arms to hide from him like I did before, but he stops me.

“I want to know what happened to you, Lucy. Even if I believed Jade gave you the cut on your forehead and black eye, there’s no way in hell I’d believe the bruises on your arms are from her. It’s a handprint, and a big one.”

His eyes bore into mine. For a few desperate seconds, I think about telling him the truth, but I don’t. Why would I? I don’t owe him anything. I’ve hung out with him all of one time. I won’t give him the one thing he’s after—another notch for his belt. That’s all I’d ever be to him. I know guys like him, and it’s all about the thrill of the chase and once it’s over, they’re done.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I say what I hope will make him mad enough he’ll give up this ridiculous pretense that he gives a damn about me.

“Lucy, cut the crap. Is someone hurting you? Is it the guy from the bar the other night? You said his name.” He seems angry. Why does he care?

“Listen, I already know you aren’t interested in anything but a fling. You won’t get it from me, so please leave. I don’t need you pretending to be my hero. I can take care of myself. Thanks for saving me and checking on me, but I’m good.” I can’t look at him this time. My chin is wobbling.

“I don’t know who told you—” he starts, but I cut him off.

“Does it matter? It’s true isn’t it?” I ask while pinning him with my glare, finding my backbone again.

He puts his hands in his pockets and sets his jaw. “That’s what I thought. I’m sure you can find another piece to chase. You don’t need me,” I say as casually as I can.

“Lucy,” he starts again.

“Don’t,” I respond.

He finally turns and walks out the door. Once he’s gone, I turn down the lights again and I quietly cry. A bit later my door opens again. Without looking at the door, I wipe my tears away, hoping to mask my pain. It’s Rhett.

He walks over to my bedside. “Hey Lucy, I wanted to stop in and see you before I left. I’m taking Rayna home. Ivie’s resting so we’re going home to try and rest too, but I had to see you before I left.” He rests his hand on mine. “Can I get you anything? Do you want me to call your mom?”

“No, she’ll only keep me from resting. She’ll freak out. I’ll call her tomorrow. Thanks for checking on me. You didn’t have to,” I say for the second time in thirty minutes.

Rhett’s eyebrows slam together. “Actually, I do. You’re my daughter, Lucy. You may not believe this, but I love you. I’ve always loved you. I know we have some issues to work through, but I want you in my life, as my daughter.” He looks so sincere I want to believe him, but I don’t know if I can let myself.

I take my hand from his and cover my mouth to stifle the little sob I know will escape my lips if I try to speak. I close my eyes and feel tears drop. He leans over and kisses my forehead. “I’ll let you rest, but I’ll be close by. Don’t hesitate to call me for anything.” He lays his business card with his number on it beside my water on the rolling tray at my bedside. I don’t look at him, I just nod in understanding.

He turns and walks to the door, stopping right before he reaches it. “I meant what I said, Lucy. I love you. Please give me the chance to be in your life. And know, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” With that, he leaves my room and shuts the door behind him.

I take in a deep, calming breath. I need to sleep, but I’m afraid if I close my eyes, I’ll see Taylor’s wild anger again and feel the wrath of it. Tate was right… I had called out Taylor’s name. I was begging him to stop in my dream. Whether I’m awake or not, the hell my life has become plays on a loop in my head all the time.

I don’t know how to escape it. I don’t know how to escape him. I’m not dumb enough to believe he won’t come for me again. The question is when? And what can I do to be ready?

When I left Lucy’s room, I was angry. What she said was the truth. I don’t want more than a fling, and with her, I don’t even want that because of who she is. I have no doubt Sterling will marry Ivie, which means Lucy will become his family.