The place where the Council met was another vast space. It was not nearly as large as the Chamber of the Source that they had just left, but it was every bit as impressive. It was a big rectangular room with stone walls carved all over with curling, twisting designs that caught Embla’s wondering gaze and refused to let it go. The walls were inset with tall windows of colored glass that glowed in the sunlight. It reminded Embla of sun through young leaves and flower petals. These windows showed pictures of men and women in strange colored robes—a story of some sort—but Embla did not understand the meaning. Overhead, the slanted roof was falling apart, and columns of light shone through, illuminating swirling motes of dust like stars. The floor underfoot was carpeted with lush green moss, and the whole space had a rich, earthy smell of humus and decay.
The Council leaders were arranged in a semi-circle along the front end of the room. Huge, intimidating alphas, most of them with streaks of gray in their beards and manes. Some stood with arms folded while others sat and yet others crouched like predators ready to pounce.
In the center stood a particularly impressive alpha who appeared to be the leader. Embla understood that his name was Addom, and from the way he and Ark spoke to each other, she could tell they were friends.
Now Embla found herself standing in front of this semi-circle of scary alphas.
Leros was not present. He had taken the dogs back to the pack’s dwelling place in the city. But at least Ark and Orwen were there beside her, as well as her friend Hines.
Embla was glad she was not alone because she felt very nervous. The alphas of the Council were asking all kinds of questions about her. Some of the questions she could understand—the same questions everyone had been asking—Who was she? How old was she? Where did she come from? But other questions were more complicated. Embla didn’t understand all the big words the gray alphas used, and they spoke so quickly that she struggled to keep up. Luckily, Ark and Hines did most of the answering for her.
Nevertheless, Embla did not like being the center of attention. It made her uneasy.
And to make matters worse, her bladder was full. She had drunk too much of that tasty brown water earlier, and now she really needed to relieve herself.
Embla wasn’t sure what to do. The alphas probably would not take kindly to her urinating right here. They might think she was marking it as her territory, and that could lead to a big fight. She had seen it happen all the time out in the woods.
She needed to go someplace else where she could make water without causing trouble.
Ark and Hines were both busy talking to Addom, and Leros had gone somewhere with the dogs, so Embla turned to the only other person she knew to ask.
“Orwen,” she whispered.
He ignored her.
“Orwen,” Embla hissed a little louder.
This time she got the grumpy alpha’s attention, but it didn’t help matters much. He pressed his index finger to his lips and shushed her. “Shhh.”
The tension in Embla’s belly was getting worse. She was reminded of a day prior when her intense heat had gradually overtaken her body until she couldn’t resist her urges any longer. This feeling was not as strong as that one, but it was similar. Embla just hoped she could hold on until this meeting was over.
But it was not going to be easy. There was something in that brown drink that made her need to pee more than ordinary water. Her bladder felt like it was filled to the bursting. A muscle spasm shivered its way up her spine.
Didn’t the alphas feel the need too? They had drunk as much as her, if not more.
Then she remembered that all of them had stopped on their way into the city. One by one, each of them had paused by the roadside to quickly relieve themselves while the rest of the pack went on, running to catch up after.
It was easier for alphas to do. With their penises, they could aim wherever they chose, and they didn’t need to squat to do it.
Embla felt a tingle of envy. It would be kind of nice to have a cock like an alpha.
Then again, those big dongles of flesh were quite vulnerable, Embla mused to herself with a wicked little grin, remembering how she had bitten Orwen’s meaty thing the previous day.
She was tempted to give him another bite on the willy right now. That would be sure to get his attention, and the grumpy alpha certainly deserved it. But Embla knew that would just result in another spanking, and she didn’t want that—at least not with all of these strangers looking on.
No, she had better stick to less dramatic methods.
She tugged urgently at the strip of Orwen’s loincloth and whimpered, dancing uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“Orwen, please, I—“
“Shhh!“ He shushed her even more angrily. “Be quiet!”
Embla whined.
This was so unfair. What was she supposed to do? She was trying to avoid an embarrassing scene, but Orwen was totally ignoring her. She could only hold her pee in for so long.