Another shiver ran up Embla’s spine.
A trickle of wetness slithered down her inner thigh.
No, no, no…
She had to hold it in, but the tension was mounting by the moment. She clenched her teeth and squeezed down with the inner muscles of her pelvis, struggling with all of her might to hold her water in. Her entire body was trembling with the effort. Her legs felt like they might give out at any moment.
How did no one else notice that she needed to pee? Orwen was ignoring her because he didn’t like her, obviously. Meanwhile, Ark and Hines were both distracted by the Council’s questions.
Embla’s bladder ached inside her from the strain. It felt like it was about as big and round as Hines’s pregnant belly.
She couldn’t hold it any longer.
It was coming…right now!
With a little grunt, Embla popped a squat right there in the middle of the chamber. She lifted her makeshift skirt to avoid making a mess and let loose right onto the floor.
As Embla started to pee, a wave of relief washed over her body. The release of tension felt incredibly good—almost as good as those intense climaxes the alphas had given her with the fingers and tongues and pierced cocks.
At first, nobody noticed that she was peeing. The thick carpet of moss absorbed Embla’s piss and muffled the noise, but it quickly became saturated, and soon a puddle formed, making a loud pattering as her stream of urine splashed into it. Soon the whole chamber was practically echoing with the sound of Embla’s peeing. Part of her wanted to stop, but the relief was just too good. And her bladder was so full that it was almost impossible to stop the flow now that the floodgates had been opened.
Suddenly, several dozen pairs of eyes had turned in her direction.
Beside her, Orwen snarled with displeasure.
“No!” He roared. “Embla! Bad omega!”
But there was no point in stopping now. The damage had already been done. She sighed with relief and shivered as the last of the pee left her body.
Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted under the arms and she gasped.
It was Orwen. The big, mean alpha had caught her. Embla growled and squirmed in his grasp, but it was no use. There was no escaping Orwen’s wrath, and she knew all too well what was coming next.
Orwen took a knee on the mossy floor and bent Embla’s hips over his thigh. Her skirt became bunched up around her midsection, leaving her tush exposed to the cool air.
And even worse, it was exposed to every eye in the room.
“Bad!” Orwen rumbled. “Bad, bad omega!”
Embla heard that familiar whoosh as the alpha’s hand sliced through the air, followed abruptly by the smack and sting of his flat, hard palm connecting with her vulnerable bottom. A helpless cry broke from Embla’s lips.
He was spanking her.
Right here in front of everyone.
The first spanking had been bad enough, but at least that had taken place in the seclusion of the forest. The only other people around to bear witness to her punishment had been Ark and Leros. That had not been so bad.
In fact, it had been a bit of a turn on.
But this? Well, this was just too much…
Embla had never been so ashamed and humiliated in all her life. She could feel the multitude of stern alpha eyes on her exposed rump as it jiggled and reddened under the subsequent swats of Orwen’s firm hand.
And the most shameful part of all was the wetness between her legs. Some of that was from peeing, but most of it wasn’t. That sticky, slippery lubrication was leaking from her slit, indicating that on some level her body wanted this, wanted to be physically and publicly dominated by an ugly and insensitive alpha like Orwen.