Yeah. She definitely wasn’t backing down on this one.
“I said, I’m coming too.”
Even though it was a bit of a struggle for her, Hines made sure to keep her eyes fixed on the arrogant messenger alpha. She didn’t blink or look away. But in her peripheral vision, she could sense Embla looking back and forth between the two of them.
The messenger alpha sneered at Hines. It was an expression she knew all too well. She’d seen it all the time as an Outsider. It was the look of an underling who relished any opportunity to flaunt his small amount of power.
“Listen to me, omega. Your impertinence will not—“
The messenger’s words broke off mid sentences, and his eyes expanded into white circles of nervousness. He was staring over Hines’s left shoulder where a massive presence had appeared. It was her alpha mate, Tal. Hines didn’t even have to turn to look at him; she knew him by scent. He was standing right behind her, backing her up, and no doubt intimidating the hell out of the messenger with a terrifying grimace. Tal was quite good at that.
Hines’s mate didn’t even have to say a single word to change the messenger’s mind. All it took was a low warning growl.
The messenger shuddered visibly.
“O-on s-second th-thought,” the messenger stammered. “I’m s-sure the Council would b-be delighted by your p-presence.”
“Lead the way,” Hines said with a smirk and a nod.