Page 63 of Stray Omega


The bathing chamber was much more impressive than anything Embla had ever imagined. It was a wide open space with tile floors and marble columns like smooth white tree trunks. The warm air was hazy with steam, and the sunlight slanted in through big vertical windows along the far wall. A thousand lovely aromas filled Embla’s nose—the scent of creamy soap and incense and lotion. She paused for a moment, just letting her pores soak up all the wonderful sensations.

The omega named Gabrielle sighed impatiently.

“Come on,” she said, tugging Embla’s hand. “We need to get you ready.”

The omega lead Embla to the edge of one of the rectangular bathing pools, which was as big as a pond. There were stone steps leading down into the water, and Gabrielle gestured to get in.

Removing her leather skirt, Embla stepped into the water, which was deliciously warm. Steam rose from its tranquil surface in gossamer coils. Embla took another step, and another. She hesitated.

Gabrielle was just standing at the edge of the pool, still fully clothed in her virginal white gown. Embla didn’t understand what was going on, and she felt a twinge of foolishness, wondering if she had made some mistake.

“No get in?” Embla asked.

It was not Gabrielle who answered. A different voice called out from the far end of the pool. An elegant and self-assured contralto.

“Gabrielle will not be joining us today. Actually, I will be the one who will help you prepare for the ritual.”

Embla turned toward the sound of the voice, and saw another omega in the water, her elegant, tanned arms outstretched on the side of the pool where she was reclining. Her long hair hung down one shoulder, straight and lustrous and black as a raven’s plumage. Her face was sculptural and lovely, with a hint of arrogance.

Embla had seen this omega once before. When she had first arrived in the city. The omega had been talking to Leros, and they seemed to have been having some kind of quarrel.

Who was she? And what was she doing here?

“My name is Jora.”

She lifted one hand and waved the Gabrielle away. With a submissive bow, Gabrielle scampered away and disappeared through a side door. Jora watched her go, then flicked her stunning eyes back toward Embla, making her shiver.

Something strange was going on here.

Embla didn’t know what to do. Should she call out for her alpha mates? After all, they were right outside.

But she really didn’t seem to be in danger.

A friendly smiled touched Jora’s lips, and her features softened. She beckoned for Embla to come all the way into the water.

“Come on in,” she giggled. “I’m not going to hurt you, Embla.”

The way she said it made the idea sound totally absurd. Of course there was nothing to be afraid of.

Except for the water.

Embarrassed, Embla dropped her eyes and wrung her hands.

“No can swim.”

Jora let out a gentle and sympathetic sigh. “Oh sweetheart, you can’t swim? Well that’s okay, the water is not very deep, see?”

The dark-haired omega pushed off from the wall and walked across the pool, showing that the water was only about chest deep.

“Come on,” she said with a friendly wink.

Embla took a deep breath. She had an innate fear of the water, but this omega seemed very friendly, and there was something about her that made Embla want to prove herself. She wanted to show that she could fit in like an ordinary omega.

Carefully, Embla took the remaining steps until her feet were resting on the tiled floor of the pool and the water was up to her shoulders.

Jora grinned and clapped her hands. Her smile was so kind and genuine that Embla found herself smiling back automatically.