“It feels really good, right?”
Embla nodded.
“Mm. Really good.”
“Wow, you already speak so well. I’m impressed how quickly you have learned the language.” Jora beckoned again. “Come over here. There’s something I want to show you.”
Embla hesitated another moment. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was strange about all of this. Then again, her alphas were close by. There was no reason for her to be afraid. And this new omega was so elegant and cool. Embla really wanted to impress her.
Making up her mind, Embla crossed the water and let Jora lead her to the side of the pool where baskets were arranged with different kinds of soaps and glass bottles filled with shampoo, and natural sponges for scrubbing.
“Nice, right?” Jora said with a gleam in her eyes.
Embla snuffled all the different soaps, not sure which one to choose. Some of them smelled delicate and floral, while others were bold and citrusy, and still others had a rich creamy aroma. At last she picked one that reminded her of wild honey and beeswax. Then, following Jora’s lead, she grabbed a sponge and started to bathe herself. The combination of the silky soap and warm water felt amazing on her skin.
They talked while they bathed. Actually, Jora was the one who did most of the talking, but she was careful to speak slowly and clearly so that Embla could understand. She talked about all kinds of random things—food, daily life in the city, and of course alphas. She even shared some tips for mating that made Embla squeal with laughter.
At one point, Ark poked his head in the door to check on her, and Embla shooed him away with her hand as if to tell him that he was intruding on omega time.
Embla was having a great deal of fun chatting with her new friend. So much fun, in fact, that she all but forgot about the swiftly approaching ritual.
When they were so wrinkled they couldn’t stand it anymore, they both got out and rinsed in a man-made waterfall of clean water spilling from an opening on the wall. Then they dried off and Jora steered Embla toward a bench in front of a mirror.
“My, you have such lovely hair,” Jora complimented her.
Embla blushed and said thank you, just as her alphas had taught her to do.
Jora fetched a fine comb and carefully pulled it through Embla’s hair.
“So,” Jora asked at last. “Are you nervous about the ritual?”
“You know, like…a little scared?”
“No,” Embla said, then added, “Well…maybe little.”
She watched in the mirror as Jora nodded solemnly and set down the comb. Embla’s hair was almost completely dried now, and Jora separated it into three strands and began weaving them into an attractive plait.
“Well, I know I would be scared if I were in your situation,” Jora said. “You must be really brave, Embla.”
“What mean?”
Jora faltered for a moment, as if she had said too much.
“Oh…um, nothing.”
“Jora, please. What mean?”
The dark haired omega sighed. Her eyes met Embla’s in the mirror for a moment, then she turned her attention back to her braiding.
“Oh, I just mean everything between you and Orwen. It’s just…well, it must be so difficult to be mated to an alpha who doesn’t like you.”
Embla’s heart skipped.
How did Jora know that?