“Like,” she murmured. “Very like. Such pretty.”
Ark resisted the urge to correct Embla’s grammar. Now was not the time for criticism and learning. Besides, he found her funny way of speaking endearing. Alluring, even.
At the far end of the overgrown lobby, a series are broad marble archways exuded a humid breath laden with steam and the scent of soap and perfume. It was the entrance to the hot baths. A lone young omega stood there waiting, dressed in a loose white robe. As they approached, the omega lifted her hand in greeting and smiled.
“Hello,” she said. “My name is Gabrielle.”
Following the traditions of the tribe, alphas would not participate in the bathing of their omega before the ritual. Instead, she would be accompanied by another omega would serve as her guide during the preparations.
Ark had hoped that Embla’s guide would be Hines. The Outsider woman knew Embla well—as well as anyone knew the mysterious little omega, at least—and Embla trusted Hines completely.
However, Hines had just gone into labor earlier that day, so a last minute replacement had volunteered for the role. Ark was not familiar with the young omega named Gabrielle, but Leros knew her somewhat, and there was no reason to doubt her ability to guide Embla through the necessary preparations.
Gabrielle reached out and beckoned for Embla to join her.
Embla gave Ark a wary glance. Though her confidence had grown enormously over the past weeks, she was still quite nervous about being separated from the alphas she knew.
Ark petted her hair and shoulders gently.
“Don’t be afraid,” he reassured her. “I will be right out here with Leros and Orwen. If you need anything, you can just call and we will hear you, okay?”
Embla hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.
“Okay,” she whispered.
Ark caressed her cheek. “We will see you at the ritual.”
Bravely, Embla walked forward and joined Gabrielle, who took her hand with a smile and led her into the steam-shrouded depths of the bathing area.
Once the two omegas had disappeared, Ark took a seat on the moss-covered floor, crossing his legs and breathing deeply. It was standard for alphas to spend the time before the ritual meditating upon the significance of the bond they would soon form with their omega. That is what Ark intended to do now. Leros sat down beside him.
But Orwen remained standing. He wore a troubled expression on his scarred face.
“Brother,” Ark said to his second. “Will you not join us in meditating?”
Orwen shook his head.
“I need to take a walk,” he said sullenly.
Ark didn’t need to ask him what was wrong. It was about the omega, of course.
As pack leader, Ark had the right to command Orwen to sit down and remain here until the time of the ritual. But no amount of authority would give him the power to change his pack brother’s thoughts.
If Orwen needed some alone time, Ark thought it best to grant it.
“Very well,” the pack leader said. “Just be sure to return in time for the beginning of the ritual.”
And with that, the cantankerous alpha turned and trudged away toward the entrance of the hotel and the sunlit street beyond.