“What is this, Sunday morning church? I got nothing to confess, Father Nate,” Sonny bit out sarcastically.
Nate shook his head but let it be. Smart man.
More members entered the room and sat down around him, the loud chatter making Sonny’s headache worse.
Suddenly, all the hair on his body stood on end.
He didn’t need an announcement to know that Avery had entered the room. He didn’t look around, but he knew that she was here, somewhere. Fuck, now he had some kind of internal radar for this woman? What next?
Gage entered and stood at the front. Sonny’s thoughts snapped to attention.
“Sorry to call this meeting the day after our party but I didn’t want to wait,” Gage announced as the room quieted. “Last night, Avery confirmed the location of the Death Riders gun warehouse in Canmore. Me, Nate, Dante, and Wyatt are going to work on reconnaissance tonight and scope it out. One of their boys confirmed they want in on our gun turf but fuck them. They need to learn a hard lesson. We ain’t letting go of our livelihood.”
Nods and murmurs of agreement rippled through the room.
Gage crossed his arms and continued. “They also have people trying to find inroads to our stock. Sonny caught that tweeker and he may be just the beginning. I want to know about every person who comes into our gun range, who asks about buying or selling. Be on alert.”
Sonny raised his hand. “Ray received a text with drop off instructions for tonight. Some location way off the highway. I’m going to reply to his contact and tell him we’re ready for the trade and final payment. I’ll need backup.”
“Take Jesse and Xander and whoever else wants to volunteer. I need the contact brought back to the bunker for questioning. However long it takes. I’ll decide what to do when we’re done with them.”
“You got it.” Sonny nodded.
“That’s all for now,” Gage said. “Rochelle’s got lunch ready. Sonny, my office.”
Sonny got up and turned around, his eyes catching on Avery’s blonde head in the crowd. Their eyes met but Avery turned away and was gone before he blinked.
He wandered down the hallway and entered Gage’s office.
“You look like you need this,” Gage murmured as he handed him a steaming mug of coffee.
“Thanks,” Sonny mumbled and took a grateful swallow of the sweet, hot brew. “What’s up?”
“I need your help with something but keep this between us for now.” Gage reached into his desk. He pulled out a plain brown envelope and handed it to Sonny.
Sonny put the mug down and opened the envelope. He peered inside and pulled out a single picture. His stomach flipped when he realized who it was.
She was standing in front of Bikes & Brews. But it was the fact that her head was circled in red ink, then an X drawn over it. Oh fuck.
Sonny’s carefully controlled demeanor threatened to unravel.
No one would dare threaten Avery if they knew she belonged to me.
As fucked up as it sounded, somewhere deep in his gut he recognized that she was his. Didn’t mean he had to like it or do anything about it, but still, he took care of his own. Whoever had sent this photo was going to regret it.
And Sonny would see to it personally.
“I found it when I got back at three in the morning, it was taped to our gate,” Gage murmured and rubbed a hand over his head.
“You think it’s from the Death Riders?”
Gage shrugged. “After the bar fight? That’s my guess. Galen and Kingston are mean, cocky bastards. But this,” he pointed to the picture “Is a head game. And I don’t like to play.”
“Could be an attempt to distract us? Or maybe she has another enemy we aren’t aware of.” Sonny paused. “Have you told her?”
“Not yet. But I don’t want her to leave the compound.”