“Good luck with that,” Sonny snorted.
“I don’t care what you need to do. I give you full permission, as long she’s safe.”
“Even if she kicks and screams?”
“That’s a given,” Gage mumbled as he shook his head. “I’m serious, Sonny. She’s my blood. I can’t lose her.”
“I won’t let anything happen to her,” Sonny vowed.
“I know. I may be getting closer to fifty, but I got eyes. I see the way you two have been circling each other.”
“What’s with everyone?” Sonny sprung up out of the chair and started to pace. “Ain’t nothing going on. Avery’s a mouthy brat who gets on my every nerve. And she and I are nothing.”
His heart pounded out a furious rhythm, contradicting his words. The woman was destroying his control and turning him into a liar. What was next?
Gage’s phone rang. “I gotta take this.”
Sonny nodded and left the room. He had a lot of work to do, including organizing a plan for the drop off tonight.
But first things first. It was time to lock up his hellion.
The bunker would never be the same.
“Ineed your help.”
Avery turned and blinked a few times, unsure if it was really Sonny standing there, saying something so completely out of character.
“Excuse me?”
“Organizing the drop off tonight. Let’s go.”
He motioned to the bunker and Avery stood there, still in shock.
Sonny never asked for her help, so why now? Her sixth sense told her something was off. Avery was determined to find out what the fuck was going on.
Sonny was practically vibrating with tension, his body rigid. He sure seemed cranky for a man that had probably gotten laid last night. Just the thought of him with those two women made Avery’s blood boil.
She crossed her arms. “No.”
He walked into her personal space, and her stupid heart nearly clawed its way out of her chest.
“It wasn’t a request, Avery.”
“I was heading to work.”
She was not, but whatever.
“The bar is closed. Stop stalling.”
Maybe she’d find out more if she went ahead and followed him. “All right. But you sure are in a bad mood for someone who got laid recently.”
Sonny chuckled and moved in closer, brushing his mouth against her ear. Avery swallowed a moan as his intense body heat enveloped her. She wanted to burrow closer, to have those big, callused hands touch her the way they had at the strip club. Like she belonged to him.
She cursed herself for reacting to this man.