Page 23 of No Chance in Hell

He’d gone back to the party last night, but instead of fucking a hot bitch, he spent it drinking. Trying to erase the memory of Avery.

Avery working the pole. Take a shot.

Avery’s ass in black leather. Another shot.

Avery in nothing but gold stilettos. One more shot.

Avery kissing him. Two more shots.

He drank until he finally passed out. And woke up on the cold, dirty barn floor, his head and back aching and his dick throbbing with a need that he didn’t want.

Rolling over, he let out a loud groan as the piercing light from one of the windows hit his eyes. It made his pounding headache worse. Then a tap on his leg had him sitting up.

“You’re too old to pass out in the barn,” Wyatt remarked as he stood beside him, a smirk on his face. “And we’ve got a club meeting in fifteen minutes. I’ve left coffee on the table to your right.”

Sonny finally got up and stumbled over to reach for the coffee. He gulped it down in record time, not caring how hot it was, only that he needed caffeine. Then he reached into his pocket and withdrew his phone: 11:45 AM.

“Thanks, Wy.”

“You okay? Can’t remember the last time you knocked ‘em back like that.”

“Just got a lot of my mind.”

Wyatt smiled but didn’t say anything more.

Sonny followed Wyatt out of the barn and the bright sunlight made him blink. The cold air gave him a wakeup call he desperately needed.

Back in the clubhouse, Sonny headed for the washroom on the main floor. After taking care of business, he splashed water on his face. Bloodshot eyes stared back at him. With no time to eat or even grab another cup of coffee, Sonny made his way to the lounge.

Club meetings took place every other week and all members were expected to attend, no exceptions. But rarely did they have one the day after a party.

Sonny took a seat on one of the sofas, as members crowded into the room. Most looked like him, hungover and tired.

Nate Wallace, who was close to Gage’s age and the second oldest member, sat down beside Sonny.

Nate was a contractor and had built every home and structure - save the barn – on their property.

“You look like shit,” Nate commented as he ran a hand over his short grey beard.

Nate was also the only married guy in their group. His wife Rochelle was the club’s cook and general housekeeper. Rochelle had run from a stalker ex five years ago, with no money and no job prospects. She’d turned to Nate – her childhood friend - and never looked back. Club members had full bellies and clean sheets and she had protection in her found family. H&H took care of their own. And Rochelle and Nate were still going strong.

“You don’t look any better, old man,” Sonny replied.

“I’m only forty-five, you punk. And at least I get it on the regular,” Nate chuckled. “I hear you got woman troubles.”

He was going to kill Dante.

“You heard wrong.”

No way was Sonny going to talk about Avery.

“I normally mind my own, but she’s a good one.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re going on about,” Sonny responded, rubbing his temples, his head throbbing.

Nate laughed and punched him in the arm.

“If you ever need to talk…”