Wine. I need wine.
I make my way to the kitchen and grab a glass and the bottle from the fridge. While I’m in there, I notice the bowl of cookie dough and my mood immediately picks up. I settle in on the couch and turn on the TV but decide to call my sisters first.
“Hey, Win,” Wyla answers first.
Then Waverly, “Hello, dear sisters.”
“So, would you guys like to hear about how I just spent my last two hours?”
“Of course we would,” Wyla answers.
“So, I decided to make some cookie dough and thought I would take some over to Graham.”
“Oh, is this going to get steamy? Please tell me it gets steamy,” Waverley begs.
“It goes the complete opposite of steamy.” They both groan in despair. “I go over there, and we are talking, things are going well, but then Claire, his girlfriend, shows up.”
“No, he is not supposed to have a girlfriend,” Waverley cries.
“Well, he does, and I just spent the whole dinner listening to her call me the wrong name and tell me all about the dates he takes her on.” I take a big sip of my wine.
“Oh Win, that must have been terrible,” Wyla sympathizes.
“It totally sucked, but I mean why am I so bothered by this? I mean…”
Knock. Knock.
“Hold on someone is at my door.” I set down my glass and stand up.
“Keep us on the line, what if it is a murderer?” Wyla whispers like someone else could hear her.
“Wyla, why would a murderer knock?”
“I don’t know, just keep us on the phone.”
“Okay, okay.” I reach the door and hesitate to open it.
Damn it, Wyla.
I shake those chills off and open the door to find Graham standing on the other side.
“Hey, I’m sorry, is this a bad time? I didn’t know if I could talk to you for a bit,” Graham rambles.
“Um, yeah. Hey, guys I will call you later, okay?”
“Who is it? Is it Graham? I bet it’s Graham.” I try to hold in my smile while Waverley rattles off, “Winry Ann Bennett, you’d better call us when he leaves.”
I open the door wide, motioning Graham to come in. “Okay I got to go; I love you both.”
“Love you,” they sing in unison, and I hang up my phone.
I turn to Graham, who is acting fidgety in my living room, “What’s up, Graham? Is everything okay?”
“Um yeah, I, um, I just wanted to clear the air about dinner. Can we sit?”
“Sure.” We both sit on the couch, but I am careful not to sit too close.
“First, Claire is not my girlfriend. My mom told her I wanted to have dinner with her but have been too busy and to just show up because it was my day off.”