Page 17 of Feel It All

“Okay…” I don’t really know how to respond to that. “Graham, you don’t have to explain yourself, it was an awkward dinner, it’s no big deal.”

“No, it is, I asked you to stay and put you in that position so I wouldn’t have to be alone with her and I should not have done that. You barely looked my direction the whole night.”

“I’m not mad at you, if that is what you are worried about. Look, why don’t we just start this night over?” He watches me as I stand and walk into the kitchen grabbing an extra spoon. “Do you want a beer or a glass of wine?”

“Uh, beer please.”

I grab the beer and head back into the living room. “Here you go,” I say, handing him the beer as I sit back down next to him. I lean up and grab the bowl of freshly made cookie dough. “All right, hey, Graham I made some cookie dough as a welcome to the apartment gift, would you like some?”

His smile is something I don’t think I will ever tire of, and he is smiling at me right now. I have a need to clench my legs together, feeling aroused instantly.

Is it hot in here?

“Yeah, I would, thanks. So, what are we watching?” He has relaxed now; it feels natural for him to be here.

I look at the TV where I had it paused to call my sisters. “I was watchingFriends,but I have watched this show start to finish at least ten times, so we can watch something else.”

“You have watched it at least ten times,” he says stunned.

“Oh, at least ten, if not more. My mom loved this show, has all the DVDs, so my sisters and I watched it constantly. It’s my comfort show.” I press play.

“So, tell me, cookie dough or ice cream?” he asks as he passes me the bowl.

“If it is not already obvious, cookie dough hands down,” I say as I scoop out another large scoop.

“I normally would say ice cream, but cookie dough is starting to rival it.”

“Oh really? What is your flavor?” I pass back the bowl.

“Chocolate. It is a classic.” He takes another bite, and I try not to focus too much on his mouth.

“Okay, I can respect that, I wouldn’t have been able to accept something like mint or vanilla.” I say as I bring my legs up on the couch, getting more comfortable.

He laughs. His laugh only adds to my want for him. “Really, that is where you draw the line? Mint and vanilla?”

“Yes, I cannot stand mint or like peppermint, especially in dessert form. And vanilla is just too plain, it needs something else to pair with it to be good.”

“Good to know,” he smiles at me, and I stare at his lips. I wonder what it would be like to kiss him. The need to know is so strong that I almost lean in.

No, Winry. Friends, remember.

I pull my gaze away. “So how are you liking Aster Creek? I know it isn’t too far from Rosewood, but do you miss home?”

“No, I don’t really miss it. It wasn’t like there was much holding me there, you know? I think I will like it here much better; I know this great place in town that sells coffee and books, it is one of my new favorite places,” he teases.

“Oh, is that so?” I raise my eyebrows.

“I do know the owner, so maybe I could even get a banana chocolate chip muffin on the house for you.” He winks and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

“Those are one of my favorites. What is your favorite go to sweet snack?”

“Fudge Rounds, one hundred percent.”

“The little Debbie?” I snicker.

“Absolutely, don’t hate on fudge rounds. Not everyone can make cookie dough or have a café with delicious muffins.”

“That’s fair.” We grow silent and turn our attention to the TV.