Page 33 of Fallen God

“Oh, Els.” Reaching across the table, I covered her hand with mine. I knew from our many late–night conversations all about her past. I knew how much she hated the fact that her brother was following in their father’s footsteps. And all that pain was on her face now. “I'm sorry.”

Shaking herself, she schooled her face back into indifference. “It’s fine. It was always going to happen, and it makes him happy.” She shrugged and then her eyes lit up with mischief. “He was asking about you, actually.”

I stilled under the weight of her gaze. “He was, why?”

“I think, well no, I know he was interested. I told him to leave you alone. That you are with Dion.” She studied me. “Was that the right thing to say? Are you and Dion official?”

“Legacy was–” I swallowed hard. “Yeah, it was the right thing to say. I mean, I don't think I'd be any good as a biker's girlfriend.”

“Old lady.”


“They call them old ladies.” She waved her hand between us. “Doesn't matter. You’re right, of course, not that I think my brother will ever take an old lady, but he was definitely interested in getting to know you better.” She winked. “So I wasn't lying when I told him you were with Dion, then?”

“Well, I've been living with him.”

“Not what I meant, Lola. Are you together? Are you a couple?”

Blushing, my hand shook as I reached for my hot chocolate. “I don't know, I think so. I mean, we sleep in the same bed, and we’ve spent every second of the last few weeks together. He calls me his and…”

“The sex is amazing?” She giggled. “I think we have already covered that point. But I'm not surprised in the slightest.” Her eyes skirted away before locking back on mine, and she leant across the table. “You guys aren't doing it on my bed, are you?”

Laughing, I shook my head. “No, Elodie, we aren't doing it in your room at all.”

“Just everywhere else.” She laughed and after a second, I laughed with her. “I'm proud of you, girl.”

“Proud?” I spluttered. “Why proud?”

Something flickered across her face. She glanced at the biker again. He was staring out of the glass door with a permanent frown on his face.

“No reason, just that it's hard to get involved with men like ours.”

There it was again, the shiftiness. She was hiding something from me. After being roommates for months, it was pretty easy to spot. “What is it, Elodie?”


“Has Dion…?” I couldn't even finish the thought, let alone the sentence. It was a silly thought, anyway. Dion had been with me the entire time. “Don't worry, ignore that.”

She eyed me; her face was soft. “Isla went live today. Well, late last night on her social media. The mainstream media picked it up this morning.” Her fingers squeezed mine. “Your name was mentioned.”

I did a double take. “Why mention my name? She wasn't even with Dion when we…well, when we first got together”

It didn't make any sense. Why did Dionysus Rising's old drummer keep having to bring me into things? She’d had her chance with Dion and she had wrecked it by cheating and getting pregnant by another man.

“She wasn't bitchy, not really. She just wished you guys well.”

I frowned. Yeah, I couldn't imagine anything coming out of Isla’s mouth as being anything but bitchy. The woman had hated me on sight. And that was before Dion had shown me the slightest interest.

“What aren't you telling me?” It was clear Elodie was hiding something from me. I just didn't know what yet. “Els, tell me?”

“The press found out that Dion has been living with you. I'm not sure who tipped them off. There were rumours going around that he had been seen out Christmas shopping with you and that you looked pretty cosy.” She took a deep breath. “That was pretty reckless on his part, but I don't blame him. Maybe someone recognised you and traced him back to ours. It wouldn't really be that hard to do.”

“They know where I live?”

Elodie nodded. “I’m afraid so, love. You can't go back there for a while. Not until they get bored, anyway. And don't worry, they will get bored. They always do.”

“Where am I meant to go?” I chewed on my lip. I could go to my brother’s, but I didn't much fancy living in orgy central. Or my mother’s. The very thought of that filled me with dread. It was bad enough that I had to go home for Christmas.