Page 32 of Fallen God

Dion moaned. His eyes fluttered shut for just a second before they snapped open again to find mine. “What do you want, Lola?”

“You, this.” Tightening my grip, I moved my hand up and down for a few seconds. My eyes never left his. Shifting my weight, I raised myself up, deliberately bringing my heaving breasts close to his face as I pushed the denim down. He sprang free, bouncing with eagerness to be exactly where I wanted him to be.

“Fuck.” His lips quivered as I lowered myself over him, sliding my bare, wet pussy along his shaft. “Fuck, Lola, panties?”

“No.” Biting my lip, I said it again in a whisper. “None.” Legs trembling with a mixture of need and nervousness, I found him with my hand again. With slow, deliberate movements, I guided the engorged head of his cock between my lips and into the wetness that seeped from me. Moving slowly, I lowered myself. Every part of my body was tight as he filled me.

He let me get used to him, waiting until I had fully impaled myself before he moved. Sitting up straighter, he pulled me closer. His hips flexed upwards to fill me just that little bit more.

“God, Lola!” His voice was pure gravel. “You feel amazing.”

“Mhmmm.” Not waiting for him to take control, I started to move. My hips rolled. They started off slow, the movement small, but within seconds I could feel myself losing control. Dion lifted his hips, meeting every one of my movements with one of his own. He yanked at the thin spaghetti straps of my nightdress, baring my breasts for him.

He lathered them with kisses, his tongue working my already hard nipples into diamond stiff points.

We came together hard, and it was more than fucking, more even than making love. We came together like two people who had waited their whole lives for this moment. Clamping around him, I felt my body tense. Throwing back my head, my back arched, and it was only his arm around me that kept me locked onto his body. He nuzzled my breasts, sucking and biting as my orgasm swept over me like a tsunami.

It took me a moment before I came back to myself. My body was still moving. One orgasm wasn’t enough. I needed more.

Lifting myself half off him, I slammed back down. Lost totally in the feel of him, my hands slapped onto the window behind his head to gain leverage. It was a magical night; the lights illuminating the snow that fell right outside our window were so pretty, but I didn't see any of it.

My eyes were blind to anything but him. Dion Granger. Lead singer of Dionysus Rising and the best damn lover in the world.

The man who was fucking me straight into another orgasm.

The man I was rapidly falling in love with.


“So?” Elodie smiled across the table at me. Two mugs of cream topped hot chocolate sat between us. We could’ve had hot chocolate at home, but she had wanted to grab some last–minute things for Christmas. I had to admit that it was good to get out of the apartment for a while. Not that I would ever complain about the two weeks I had spent almost totally alone with Dion.

I'd never lived with a man before, but he made it easy. There were no arguments, but I had a sneaky suspicion that was because we couldn't keep our hands off each other. My body ached in ways I didn't think possible, and I loved it.

“So, you and Dion?” She raised a dark eyebrow. “You guys getting on, I take it?”

I smiled, a knowing little smile. Getting on was an understatement.

Catching my look, her grin grew. “I'll take that as a yes.” Her eyes crinkled at the edges as she smiled and I beamed at her from across the table.

“It's been amazing.”

“You mean the sex?”

I blushed, casting my eyes around the packed coffee shop. They landed on the leather cut wearing biker in the corner who was purposely looking everywhere but at us. I knew he had heard her. It was his job to hear everything. His lips twitched. Following my eyes, Elodie laughed. “Don't worry about him. He’s just here because Jax insisted.” She shrugged.

“I thought it was usually Chance that followed you and Jax around?” I knew Chance, like I knew some of the MC members her brother and Chance rode with, but I didn't know the man standing in the corner.

“Chance is with the guys. They gave me a newbie.” She eyed him over the rim of the steamy mug she had brought to her lips. “Although I'm pretty sure I could protect myself better.” She giggled. “He's a skinny little thing, isn't he?”

Twisting in my seat, I glanced at the man in question. “Skinny as a rake.”

“Rake?” she spluttered. “I love it. I'm going to mention it to my brother that it should be the prospect’s road name when he patches in.” More laughter. “Legacy says hi by the way.”

Smiling, I pulled my attention away from the biker and back to her. “How is he? I haven't seen him around the apartment for a while?”

When I had first moved in, Legacy had popped around a lot. Handsome, witty and with a dark sense of humour that always went straight over my head, I liked Elodie's big brother. Even if some of his club brothers made me feel uncomfortable when they stared at me for too long.

Her smile slipped. “He patched in.”