Page 34 of Fallen God

“You move in with Dion. He does have his own place, you know. It's pretty damn nice actually and you're already pretty much living together, anyway. Only you will be living in far more comfort.”

“No.” I shook my head. “No, Elodie. I love my home. I love sharing with you and–fuck!” I glanced back over at the biker. “He’s here for me, isn't he? Not you? Dion arranged it so I would have… Well, this is shit.”

“I know.” Elodie patted my hand. “I know it is, and that you didn't ask for it, but it's something you will need to get used to if you're serious about him.” Her eyes narrowed. “You are serious, aren't you? About being with him?”

“It’s only been a few weeks,” I said, shaking my head. The time thing was just an excuse, and we both knew it. “Yeah, I'm serious about being with him,” I finally admitted.

Elodie beamed at me. “Good, because…”

“Because?” I didn't like her tone at all. “Because what?”

“The press have found us.”


“That was fucking...” Tearing the headphones from my ears to dangle around my neck, I beamed a wide smile around at the others, who answered it with nods of agreement. I didn't need to finish the sentence because we all felt it.

That was good. Really, fucking good.

The best take we had done yet, and we had only been in the studio for a few hours. Sometimes it just happened like that. Everything just clicked into place.

And that's what had just happened.

Yes, the song was good. The lyrics were some of the best I'd ever written and coupled with the music they had crafted, it felt polished, ready to go. Perfect. If any such thing ever existed in our world.

Maybe perfect wasn't the right word, but it felt good.

If the other songs we were laying down went as well as this one had, then we would record our next album in record time.

Not that I was under any illusion that all of them would go as smoothly.

“What do you think, Erik?”

Erik, as always, was hanging around. Sometimes I didn't have a clue what he did that warranted him being paid a shit ton of money, but he was the glue that held us together. Anyway, it didn't really matter to me how much he made from us. Without Erik, there would be no Dionysus Rising. He cleaned up more shit than I could ever possibly know. Mostly mine of late, but the others had given him their fair share of crap to take care of. And there was always a look on his face when he was dealing with trouble.

He had that look on his face now as he hovered in the studio door. His phone was pressed to his ear and a frown caused his eyebrows to pinch together. He was massaging the line there almost like he had a migraine.

“What’s happened now?” Slowly, Tate placed the bass down, propping it up against the wall like it was as fragile as a newborn baby. He sounded bored, but then, weren't we all? So much shit had happened in the last year, even by our standards, that we were all fed up with it. We just wanted to make music now – to finish the album so we could have some time off over Christmas and new year before we were thrust back into the spotlight for the promotional album tour.

At least that's what I wanted. Living with Lola had shown me the one thing I was missing in my life: normalcy. I wanted to make music; I always would, but I wanted a home as well. A home that was full of smiles and laughter and, well,her.

I wanted Lola to live with me in my place that I was hoping would soon be our place. Bunking with her at Elodie's was fine, but it wasn’t permanent and we both knew it. Maybe that's why I had done what I had.

Erik's eyebrows twitched, his eyes finding Jax first. A silent message went between them.

“If it's Isla, I'm going to personally tell her where to go,” Tate said, oblivious as the silent back and forth between Jax and Erik continued.

“It's not Isla, not this time, anyway. I do have news about her, although it can wait for now. It’s–” His eyes met mine.

“Is Lola ok?” Louis asked before I could get the words out.

“She's fine. The press ambushed them outside a coffee shop and she got a little hurt.”

My heart flip–flopped in my chest. She had got a little hurt? Shit.

“Elodie is with her and checking her over,” Erik continued, his eyes never leaving mine. “It's nothing, Dion, she just–”

Ignoring him totally, I pushed my way out of the room and headed down the corridor. It should have been deserted, but for some reason, it was full of people. All of them were looking at me, trying to get a glimpse of the infamous playboy rushing off to a woman. Maybe that was all in my imagination, I didn't know. I didn't really care as long as they got out of my way.