She chewed thoughtfully then said, "Why don't we bring him out with us on some of our 'dates'? You'll get more time with him. I like him. And it can only improve your chances of winning since you show such complete interest."
"The paparazzi. That's why."
"Oh, honey. They're going to take pictures of him anyway. Make it controlled. We'll take him to the zoo and the aquarium. Stuff like that. There'll be too many other people around for good shots. And if they follow, we can split up, so they have to decide who to chase."
"That's just it, I don't want them to chase us down when he's with me."
"Well, if you let them take a few pictures, then they won't fight so hard to get pictures of him. It's a tradeoff. You know that."
"He's my son.Not a commodity."
"Exactly.I know.But hiding him away and only letting him out with his nanny isn't the way to deal with it. Let's try it once. I want to see the San Diego Zoo, but I need to borrow a child, so I don't feel like an idiot. Let's go down there this coming weekend."
Kline sighed, considering the suggestion for a long moment before nodding. "Alright. We'll try it. If things get too crazy, I'm taking him home."
Jill picked up his hand and leaned over to kiss his fingertips, flickering her eyes right to indicate a camera. He leaned in and smiled dreamily. "No worries. We'll have a great time. We can get him a big hat and sunglasses, or just throw a blanket over his head like Michael Jackson did with his kids."
Kline laughed. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Jack would never forgive me for embarrassing him that way."
"Neither would I.This place is now crawling with photogs.How long before some fan comes up and asks you to talk to her best friend on her cell phone?"
"Maybe we should go before that happens," he said, summoning the waiter to pay the check. Moments later, the two of them walked outof the restaurant hand in hand to wait for the valet to bring the car.
"I'm driving," Kline insisted. "Fork over the keys."
She did, smiling so that a single dimple showed on her right cheek and Kline bent to kiss it. "I'd forgotten how cute you are."
"I'm adorable," she said."Don't forget again."
"No worries there, love," he said, giving her a playful slap on the bottom before she slipped into the passenger's seat.
He drove them back to his house and invited her inside.She joined him and ended up staying most of the afternoon, engrossed in a game of Chutes and Ladders with Jack.It was nearly five when her cell phone rang, August asking where she was and if she was going to be back at his house that day."Oh," she frowned slightly. "I have to go home."
"Aw, that's too bad," Kline said.
Jill turned around to see the same pair of eyes watching her from his lap and she forced a smile. "We'll just have to continue the tournament later."
"You can come back anytime," Jack said earnestly. "The gate number is 55502."
"Jack!" Kline scolded."What have I told you about the gate code?"
Jill watched in amusement as Jack parroted, "Do not, under any circumstances, give anyone the gate code. That gate code keeps out bad people. Jill's not bad people," he shrugged.
Kline frowned. "Well, I'd already given it to her at any rate. But never do that again. Always ask me first. Maybe I don't want her to have it."
Jack looked shocked. "No way!" He looked back at Jill and shook his head, "Don't listen to him. You can come anytime."
Jill pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh and failing miserably. "Thank you, Jack. I'll be sure to come back. Is Saturday alright with you?"
"Sure! We can play Go Fish!"
"Or we can go to the zoo," Kline suggested, leaning down to whisper the last word in his son's ear.
"The zoo!Yes!" He leaped from Kline's lap, and danced around, "I want to see the snakes and the monkeys!Yes!"
Jill giggled and grinned."Then I'll see you Saturday and we'll go look at them.I have to run now."
"I'll see you out," Kline smiled. Jack had already torn off to find Kim and tell her his good news.