"So, now that you’re actually single, and August will be in France, I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you, huh?"
"Then maybe you can show me around some more? I've…you know this is the first time I've lived anywhere other than NYC?"
He smiled, "Yes, I know. I would love to show you the town. We'll be spending a lot of time together, might as well do more than sit in trendy restaurants and eat."
"Want to help me learn to drive?"
"That, my dear, is first on the list."
She laughed. "August's not happy about it.About us spending so much time together."
Kline shrugged. "Well, we're working together. There's not much to be done about it. Besides, if he would rather show you around--"
"He wouldn’t. He likes to stay at home and bring the interesting things to him. When he goes out, he has his places, and he doesn’t venture far off course. That was fine in New York because I knew everyone, but here? It’s different." she said, with a bit of a sigh. "When he leaves, I’ll have two weeks to kill before we start pre production."
"Are you in love with him?" Kline asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"No," she shook her head. "But I love him. I don't think he's really in love with me either. He's just idealized me. I'm not really his type."
"And he's the one you're pinning all your future hopes on? Do you think that's wise?"
"I don't know. But it's safe. I trust him. He'd never hurt me. And we can have--cats."
"You hate cats."
"I know," she smiled. "But their feet do patter."
"When they're not trying to sneak up on top of you and smother you while you're sleeping."
"So how about you? Rhiannon dumped you. Your old costar shagged you off. Are you sleeping with the nanny?"
"Rhiannon did not dump me. We agreed it was best to end things. Kara was--eh."
"And the nanny?"
"Ooooh," Jill laughed. "So, what are you doing for companionship?"
"Not shit," Kline said sincerely."Nina's taking me to court for Jack as you know. I can't get mixed up in anything, and after the debacle with Rhiannon, I’m not sure I want to.Far as anyone knows, it's you, baby."
Jill frowned. "How is the court thing going?"
"She's being extraordinarily difficult. Not that it surprises me. For the moment, nothing's been changed in her favor."
"Is there anything I can do?"
He shook his head."No.Well, unless we actually have to go to court. Then you have to come testify that we're in a solid, stable, happy relationship.And you have to say I'm a great father."
"I could go to jail for perjury," she teased."But I'll go in character as ‘Jill Parker, Broadway Star Dating Kline Scott Mega Star.’ Then it will be true."
He smiled. "It would be worth it just to see your performance—and Nina's face."
Jill laughed and shook her head. "It could also backfire terribly and make you look worse for lying. I couldn't live with myself. Fooling the public is one thing."
"I hope it doesn't come to that."