Page 81 of Heavy Shot

"God he's cute, Kline. Can I have him?"

"Nope. But you can come visit him anytime. Just like he said."

She gave a wistful sigh."That's it. I'm going to go adopt a baby on my way home."

Kline chuckled, "You'll have one of your own eventually. Until then, feel free to borrow mine."

Jill leaned up to hug him."Thanks for a great day, Kline. Really.Maybe you're a good friend after all."

"I do alright sometimes," he agreed, giving her a quick kiss before releasing her. "It was great to have you here."

"Where are my keys?" she asked, digging in her purse.

"My pocket.Why don't you let me drive you--it's rush hour and you suck at this. I'll have a car meet me at your place and bring me home."

"Nah," she shook her head."I have to learn sometime.Besides, I'm kind of enjoying the freedom of it."

He didn't look convinced, but he handed her the keys. "Ring me and let me know you got home okay."

"Aw.You're so sweet and worried!"

"I've got 20 million riding on a film with you!Hell yes, I'm worried!"

She rolled her eyes. “You are such the Mega Star," she said, clicking her teeth. "It's all about the money, isn't it?"

"Of course. I'm shallow."

"Well, I'm off.August is waiting."

"Tell him I said hello."

Jill snorted and then started the car, waving as she drove away, leaving Kline to wander back inside the house, looking more pensive than she would have expected after their relaxing day together.


Rhiannon Charles

It was late March before the photographers stopped lying in wait for Rhiannon at the Simon Says studio, but by mid-April it was like nothing had ever happened. Nothing at all. Kline hadn’t called begging her to change her mind. She hadn’t called him, begging him to take her back. After she’d slept on their split for a couple of nights, it felt like something far removed.

Rick had turned up on the set looking for Thad, and Rhiannon had joined him on the soundstage to watch Thad and Kelsey ad lib into a scene the writers were workshopping.

“He’s so good,” Rick sighed. “He’s wasted in sitcoms. He could be as revered as Ian McClellan.”

“I don’t know if he’s that good,” Rhiannon laughed.

“I do. When we were coming up, I was in a workshop with him. We did a staging of Hamlet and he played the lead role. It was a revelation. Thad as Hamlet with Kline as Laertes. It was fucking brilliant.”

“I imagine so, with the trade-off between clowning and being a menace.”

“I know comedy is harder. It’s easier to make people cry than to make them laugh, but it’s hard to make someone feel something. Thad knows how to make people feel something. It’s innate with him. I’ve got to get him for this movie.”

Rhiannon considered the man standing next to her and thought about what he’d said at the Vanity Fair party. “Have you asked Kline?”

“He’s not right for the part,” Rick said, never taking his eyes from Thad. “This is business, not a charitable mission to get a friend a job. Anyway, he doesn’t need help. He’s got that shark working for him.”

“Roland,” Rhiannon drawled. “Of the publicity romance.”

“Yeah! I see that’s in full swing,” Rick said. “He’s getting papped everywhere with Jill Parker now. Maybe we could get Thad into a scandal? Get him into the press.”