Page 121 of Savage Wild

“No,” Jenna answered, raking up the bullets and dropping them in a little dish that Ryder had never seen before.

Smokey glanced across the table at Ryder, “You his?”

Jenna looked up, and the look in her eyes cut straight to his heart, but then a soft smile hit her lips, “Not his either, but whoever ends up with that man will be one of the luckiest women on the planet.”

And Ryder felt that slide through his chest.

“So it’s like that?” Smokey asked, focus back on her work.

“Yeah, it’s like that,” Jenna agreed.

“Noted,” Smokey said with a nod, even though she didn’t look up again.

And Ryder feltthateven deeper.

He wasn’t quite sure what female communication had just been relayed, but he knew whatever Jenna had just thrown down, Smokey had picked up crystal clear. And the warm, tight feeling in his chest told him that he liked it.



“Morphine’ll last a while, but I’m working fast. He’s a big bastard. Don’t want him waking up pissed at me,” Smokey said, riding the adrenaline high that told her she was knee deep in a combat zone, whether she was on foreign soil or not. “Hold that clamp right there?”

The brunette Smokey had come to know as Jenna, quietly calledSweetby Ryder, held the clamp where Smokey indicated.

The woman didn’t squirm and didn’t flinch, Smokey would give her that. And with the side of her brain that listened to ZZ Top while she performed in the O.R., she wondered what was between the woman helping her and the big man who’d broken down her front door.

Obviously something. Smokey just wasn’t sure what that something was.

“You’re good at this,” Smokey observed, searching for the bullet in an open wound. “Had any training?”

“Nothing formal,” Jenna said, and Smokey didn’t have to tell her to blot away the blood so she could see. “Ex is a surgeon. Guess I picked up a few things.”

Smokey leaned in and snagged the bullet with forceps. “Really? Which one?” she asked, pulling out the bullet and holding it up to the light.

“Edward Albright,” Jenna answered, shifting so Smokey had a better angle on the next wound.

“No way,” Smokey said. “I know him. Moreof him, really. Watched his work at a couple seminars. He’s a legend.”

“Yeah,” Jenna whispered.

And the way she went quiet told Smokey there was a lot more to the story, but she knew better than to pry.

The women around biker gangs were a tight group, the pecking order fierce, and when Smokey had left the Palmetto State fifteen years before, she’d promised herself that she’d never try to find her place in one again.

Smokey pulled out a bullet and then another, the drop of lead on felt a heavy sound. “Think he’ll want to keep those?” she asked.

“I’ll keep them,” Jenna said.

“You his woman?” Stormy asked, curiosity getting the best of her. Clubs were usually full of cheap looking whores and groupies, but Jenna looked like class. Not the norm for an M.C., even if the Dragons’ compound was one of the most luxe she’d ever seen.

“No,” Jenna answered, raking up the bullets and dropping them in a little dish of alcohol.

Stormy glanced across the table at Ryder, who stared at her with an intensity she felt slide through her chest and down into her core, “You his?”

Jenna looked up and over, paused a beat, and then, “Not his either, but whoever ends up with that man will be one of the luckiest women on the planet.”

Smokey caught the glance Jenna threw Ryder’s way. “So it’s like that?” she asked, returning her focus to her work.