Page 122 of Savage Wild

“Yeah, it’s like that,” Jenna agreed.

“Noted,” Smoky said, wondering at the history between those two but then reminding herself that it didn’t matter. This wasn’t the life for her. Never had been, never would be.

Her brother might be able to make it work for him, and she’d support him in the life because she loved him and owed him a debt she’d never be able to repay.

But the best thing for her to do, the wisest thing, would be to leave the Dragons’ compound and never look back.

Smokey tied off the last stitch of the last wound. “All done,” she said.

“Thanks, Doc,” a voice filled with gravel said from somewhere behind her.

She turned around and looked up into eyes that weren’t quite blue and weren’t quite green, but were a stunning mixture of both.

“You’re welcome,” she said. “I’d offer a hand, but….” She let that trail off on a shrug, holding up her blood stained gloves.

“He gonna be okay?” the giant asked, nodding toward the man on the table.

“Should be waking up shortly. And he’s gonna be pissed as hell when he does,” she answered.

The man nodded again, “Follow me, and we’ll get you cleaned up. Seems we have some business.”

He started toward a door behind the bar.

Smokey followed.

“Ryde,” the man called over his shoulder.

So Ryder took her six into the kitchen.

Smokey made straight for the sink, peeled off the gloves, and turned the water as hot as she could stand it. “You must be Gate,” she said over her shoulder.

Gate propped a hip on the counter and folded his arms across his chest. “And you’re Maker’s little sister.”

“The one and only,” she grinned up at him, throwing all the little sister attitude she’d picked up over the years.

“Known that, we wouldn’t have bothered you,” Gate said.

Smokey shot a glance at Ryder who leaned against the kitchen island. “I gathered that.”

“Two ways this can go,” Gate said, calling her attention back to him. He handed her a dish towel and kept going. “I call Maker and tell him what we did. That we meant no harm and anything this side trip cost you will be paid by the club. Or you call him and give him your version.”

“Assuming my version is friendly?” Smokey asked, drying her hands.

Gate shrugged, “Depends on how pissed off you think Maker’s gonna get by whatever you tell him. We got history, our club and his. Don’t want to ruin it because we needed help, and you happened to be the woman to provide it.”

Smokey pulled her cell phone from her back pocket and hit a number. She didn’t wait long for an answer.

“Hey, Ridley,” she started, and from the look Gate and Ryder shot each other, she figured they’d just learned something new.

“Nah, didn’t make it to work today, old man. Got something to tell you, and I need you to keep your shit tight. I’m fine, it’s all good, so don’t get pissy.”

And glossing over the details of how she ended up operating on an unconscious brother laid out on a pool table inside the Iron Dragons’ compound great room did more to cement her future with the club than she ever could have imagined.



Talon walked into the command center that was the shared room of Rooster and Stash without bothering to knock.