Page 120 of Savage Wild

“Who’s this?” Gate growled, eyeing her up and down.

“Dr. Sarah Miller,” she offered, breezing by Gate and making straight for the table where the brothers had Tex laid out and Jenna stood holding his hand.

Gate started to follow, but Ryder stopped him, “Need a word before we cross some lines.”

Gate stopped and frowned, “What lines?”

“Doctor over there?” Ryder nodded his head in Smokey’s direction, voice pitched low. “Is Widow Maker’s little sister.”

“What thefuck?” Gate muttered, dropping his head back to look at the ceiling.

“Didn’t know that when I found her.”

Gate raised his head and faced Ryder, gaze piercing, “Wheredidyou find her?”

“Google,” Ryder answered

“You gotta be shittin’ me,” Gate said.

“I searched surgeons, her address popped up, and it was closest. Now, she’s here.”

Gate nodded, “I gotta call Maker. Tell him what’s what.”

“She said she’d call him as soon as she’s done with Tex and talks to you.”

Gate nodded again and scrubbed a hand through his goatee. “Might be best it comes from her,” he agreed.

Ryder prowled closer to the pool table, concern for his brother warring with curiosity about the doctor. She was a beauty, no doubt. Even now with her hair piled in a messy bun out of her face and her hands covered in his brother’s blood. She was throwing off calm and cool like he’d never seen, Jenna putting on a good show as her O.R. nurse.

He wondered how close Smokey was with her brother. Very, the way she threw his name around and didn’t flinch at Tex laid out and bleeding all over the felt.

Ryder didn’t interrupt, but he stood close enough he could hear the women talking while they worked.

“Morphine’ll last a while, but I’m working fast. He’s a big bastard. Don’t want him waking up pissed at me,” Smokey said. “Hold that clamp right there?”

Jenna, hands gloved up and bloody, held the clamp where Smokey indicated.

“You’re good at this,” Smokey observed. “Had any training?”

“Nothing formal,” Jenna said, holding with one hand and blotting with the other. “Ex is a surgeon. Guess I picked up a few things.”

“Really? Which one?” Smokey asked, hands careful and sure but quick while she snipped and stitched.

“Edward Albright,” Jenna answered, shifting around Smokey as the doctor moved around Tex’s bullet holes.

“No way,” Smokey said. “I know him. Moreof him, really. Watched his work at a couple seminars. He’s a legend.”

“Yeah,” Jenna whispered, but she didn’t say anything further. Didn’t put the club’s business out there. Didn’t rant about Tex’s losing her daughter.

And seemed torn to shreds that he got shot to hell trying to prevent it.

Ryder crossed his arms, waiting for the sting of regret to hit him, waiting for the burn to curl through his gut, but looking at Smokey, her blond curls barely contained, he found that the burn didn’t quite settle as deep or as painful as it had.

Smokey pulled out a bullet and another, the drop of lead on felt a heavy sound. “Think he’ll want to keep those?” she asked.

“I’ll keep them,” Jenna said.

“You his woman?” Smokey asked, starting the first set of stitches in Tex’s shoulder.