“Pardonme for taking an interest in figuring out what the fuck has gone so wrong before it all royally implodes.”
Zak’sjaw tics.Hepoints a finger at me. “Youleft,” he pronounces.Themuscles in his jaw twitch as his nostrils flare. “That’swhat went so wrong withTimeless.”Hehammers his finger into the tabletop with each word. “You.Fucking.Left.”
Myown jaw clenches, grinding my teeth to a fine powder asIcross my arms. “Yousayin’ that as my former bandmate or as my ex-boyfriend?”
Dreabursts through the door in a red bathing suit, giggling up a storm that breaks some of the tension at the table.Krisfollows behind with her dark hair piled up in a high bun.Shewears a lime green bikini that shows off her curvy petite figure and tattoos on her ribs and thigh.
Iturn to findShannonstaring and smack his arm. “Chillwith that or you’ll have another kid runnin’ around here, huh?”
Shannonsimpers, still ogling his wife. “Iwas just thinkin’Dreashould probably have a sibling by now.”
“Aw, c’mon, mama,”Shannonhollers back with his arms spread wide and a grin brightening his face. “Weain’t gettin’ any younger!”
Chucklingand glancing up,Zakstill stares at me with a scowl.Metalscrapes loudly against concrete when he suddenly pushes away from the table and disappears inside the house.
“Dad!”Andreacalls forShannon, who immediately abandons the table.
Leavingme alone withAdrian.
Myfingertips drum incessantly against the glass in an erratic pattern while he taps away on his phone.
Adrianfaces me.EventhoughIcan’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses,Ican feel them trying to explore whatIkeep pushing him away from.
Thecorners of his lips turn upward. “Rightbeside me.”
Myeyes widen. “Excuseme?”
Hesnorts before turning his attention to his phone. “Youheard me.”
“Whathappened toNorma, huh?”Iseethe through gritted teeth.
“Ibroke up with her.”Hepauses. “Sorryabout that, by the way.”
Ilean back in my chair, resting my chin on my hooked thumb and covering my mouth threatening to foam. “What, so you think that’s how it works?”
Adriangroans softly, resituating in his chair and leaning a little bit more closely towards me, but he keeps his focus on the house ahead of us. “Look,Steph.Ifyou’re back,Iwant a fair chance.”
Scoffing, my hand falls andIglare at him. “Oh, really?Youdidn’t even fucking ask me, asshole.Nevermind even mention that you’re seeing someone.”
Thebackdoor swings open, andZaksteps through with a cold beer in hand.Hissearing gaze lands on me.
Adriangives me his full attention and says quietly, “Fine.Willyou be my girlfriend?”
Iroll my eyes and grunt in response before pushing away from the table, heading to hang out with the girls.I’mnot going to acknowledge whatever pathetic attempt that was.
Dreagreets me with a splash that catches part of my tank top, and her dad chastises her.
“Idon’t know,Shan,”Krisinterrupts, glaring at me. “Ithink it’s fair.”
Shannonshakes his head in disapproval. “Don’tstart.”
“Forwhat, exactly?Abandoningyour friends and family, or breaking my brother’s heart?Orare you trying to keep the peace and make false promises long enough so you can disappear again next week?”