“Alright,”Shannongrunts, gesturing forAndreato go to him. “Howabout a water gun fight with your tios, huh?”
“Don’tyou even care about what you did?”
Mybrows furrow. “I…I…”Stammering, words flee from my brain whenIneed them most. “IthoughtIwas doing what was best.”
“Andwhat was that?”Krissays sharply, crossing her arms.
ShannongrabsAndreaand pulls her as far away from the pool as he can.
“Youthought running away would solve everything, and you’d be able to show up out of the blue like nothing happened?”
Icross my arms and lean my weight onto one heel. “What, just like you did when you abandoned your new husband and daughter when you had your episode?”
Kris’sdark eyes narrow on me, and her nostrils flare.Butshe doesn’t say anything.
“We’llcall it even, then,”Isay.
“No,” she replies firmly.Shegestures towardsShannonandAndrea. “Saysorry to my daughter who cried formonthsmissing her weekly aunty date.Saysorry toBrandyfor being a shitty friend and leaving her in the dust.Saysorry toZakfor breaking his heart because—” she throws her arm in the direction of the backdoor, glaring that way, “—he’s never gotten over it.”
“Kris, don’t be startin’ shit—”
“Thishas nothing to do with you,” she yells back at her husband, giving him a death glare before turning it back to me. “Don’tthink you can waltz back into our lives like nothing happened.”
Myfingernails dig into my palms, reminding me to calm the fuck down and not let things boil over in front ofAndrea. “I’msorry,”Ireiterate before storming off towards the backdoor.
“Youdon’t get to walk away,”Krisshouts.Watersplashes.
Shannonyells for his wife asInear the house.
Butshe’s quick.
Theroots of my hair burn whenKrisgrabs a fistful of it and throws me to the ground.Shestarts swinging.
Allthree guys swear, “Oh, shit!” overKris’sfrustrated growls and cussing.
Itry pushing her off, but, fuck, if she doesn’t have her claws deep in my hair.Kickingand rocking doesn’t help—she’s well-versed in brawls from high school.Shemight be tiny, but it’s made her learn how to handle herself around those taller and bigger.
Krisbusts one cheek and scratches the shit out of the other with her extra-long acrylics before she suddenly flies off.
Myface stings, andIlie on the crunchy grass with stinging clouds covering my eyes.
Afigure towers over me.
“Kris, back off!”Zakbarks.
Heyells something thatIcan’t make out over my nerves firing off and blaring in my ears like a squealing amp.
Mybottom lip trembles asIsniffle, willing myself not to start sobbing in front of everyone.
Zakleans over me, andIblink.
Heholds out his hand.
Blurrinessconsumes my vision asIpush myself up from the ground and run inside.Lavafinally bursts from my eyes, salty tears stinging the scrape on my cheek.
Thedoor slams behind me, but it reopens and closes not even a couple of seconds after.
Ibrace myself. “Kris,Ican’t—”