Page 29 of The Second Deal

Hepushes me forward, toward his sister radiating hatred in my direction. “C’mon,” he coaxes, handing me a paper plate. “Don’tbe shy.”

Ipress myself a little too closely intoAdrian’sblazing side to avoid even risking bumping intoKris.

Somethingpinches my ass andIjolt away.

Itake a small step back towards cabinets and glare daggers atAdrian, especially when he snickers quietly with a sly grin.

Hepoints at the food on the kitchen counter. “Shannon’sgotten a lot better at grilling.”

“Yeah,”Shannoncalls out from the porch where he lingers withZak, “so eat up, homegirl.”

Ichuckle, but the smirk immediately falls off my face whenInoteZak’sglower.I’mnot sure which is worse:Kris’sunderhanded jabs, orZakglaring at me nonstop.

“NowI’vegot the part that won’t start fighting,”Ibegin after chowing down and helpingAndreawith a quarter of the puzzle beforeShannoninsisted she go swimming with her mama. “Whatthe fuck is going on with the band?”


Texas Cries

–Element Eighty

Adrianisa little too comfortable with his arm over my chair. “Youknow.Creativedifferences.”

“Bullshit,”Isneer, glaring at him. “Weall know that’s a stupid excuse for whatever is really going on.”

“Sparrowdidn’t offer another contract,”Shannonadmits, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. “Thinkthey caught wind of the actual creative differences and are letting things end naturally.”

“Letwhat end naturally, exactly?”Iquestion with brows raised sky high, daring him to say it.

Hedoesn’t hesitate. “Theband,Steph.”

Istare untilShannonaverts his gaze.

“Sowhat are the actual creative differences, huh?Someone’sgot one foot out the door?”Iglare specifically atAdrianandZak. “Orare y’all having a lovers’ quarrel with yourBFFthat can’t be contained to sessions and meetings?”

Theguys fall silent and, finally, all eyes are off me.Ibreathe a sigh of relief before laying into them further. “Whathappened inAtlanta?”

Shannonshifts in his seat. “Itold you:Robpicked a fight with the twins and got ‘em all arrested.”

“Why?”Iclarify. “Why’dhe pick a fight?”

“Heblamed us for you quitting and avoiding everyone,”Zaksays in a tone laden with contempt. “Hislittle sister refused to come to the show, and he took it out on us.”

Now, it’s my turn to fall silent.

Zak’sright—ItoldShannonandRobbiebothIwasn’t going to be there.Nomatter how much either of them begged,Ididn’t want to be near the twins.Ididn’t want to be around anyone from my past life because the temptation to come back was too great.

Justfucking look at me now.

“Sowhy are you suddenly here and getting up into band business?”

Myhead snaps up andIgawk atZak. “Excuseme?”

“Youbailed on us,” he starts.Tattooedhand over tattooed fist, he leans towards me, glowering under yellow-tinted sunglasses.Histattooed muscles flex and bulge in a sleevelessPanterashirt. “Youquit the band and left town without warning or an explanation.Whatmakes you think you can show up now and start runnin’ your mouth?”

Isit back, almost stunned.
