Page 60 of Exception



I shift on my feet, feeling so fucking silly. Why the hell did I come here anyways? What was I thinking exposing myself like this?

“Thanks,” he says and then shouts to Devon, “Gonna go take my break with Holden. Can you finish patching up the glory hole by yourself?”

Devon peers over at us and then at Molly, clearing his throat. “Yep, don’t need no help. Can do it all myself.All by myself. Real tough, but I can manage.”

He seems to puff up at that statement, and Molly rolls her eyes.

“He can handle it, boys,” she says and then laughs softly.

Chase reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the exit of the villa. He doesn’t let go until we are toward the front of the pier.

“Wanna eat here?” he asks, and I nod, sitting down next to him and dangling our legs over the water.

“What did you get me?” he asks, peering into the bag and pulling a sandwich out with some chips. As he unrolls it, my heart flutters in my chest because I don’t really know what he likes so I had to guess. But I really want him to like this.

“Oh, yes,” he says and then smacks his lips. “I love chicken salad.”

“Didn’t know what you wanted….”

“It’s perfect.” His eyes meet mine, and he smiles softly, and there goes my heart rhythm. Who needs SVT when you have Chase? He fucks me up in all the right ways.

“Want some?” he asks, and I watch as he hands me half of it before splitting the chip bag open.


“No problem.”

We eat in silence for a few minutes, chewing and listening to the waves hit the dock when suddenly the urge to show him my secret place swells up within me. I’ve never brought anyone there before, keeping my secret safe and tucked away inside of me.

“Wanna see something later? It’s not really a big deal, it’s just a place special to me,” I ask, and Chase freezes.

“Yeah. Of course.”

Suddenly, I regret asking because I realize that there’s no taking this back. I opened myself up and now I have to follow through. Don’t want to crush his feelings. Those gentle, sweet feelings.

“Okay,” I say, and he shifts a little closer, our shoulders brushing, and I lean into him, just inhaling his very presence.

Could use a little bit of light in my life. Could use a little bit of Chase.

* * *

“Where you taking me again?”Chase asks, donned in his flip-flops, shorts, and a ridiculously loose tank top that shows off his muscles and nipples every time he moves a certain way.

It’s making this hike in the jungle a little difficult. My cock is raging hard right now.

I squeeze his hand. “A secret.Mysecret.”

He watches me for a moment and then bobs his head, not even questioning it. Well, he should question it. He’s far too trusting. But then again, it makes my heart flip like a pancake in my chest that he isn’t suspicious. That he’s willing to walk into the jungle with me this evening just because I asked him to.

“Right up here,” I say, nodding to my left.

He trips and hisses. “Damn, I didn’t wear the right shoes for this.”

“No, you did not,” I reply with a laugh. “You okay?”