Page 61 of Exception

“Yeah, I will be. Why didn’t you warn me this secret included a trek?”

I come to a stop, pulling him into me. God, I love having him close. It’s becoming a bit of a problem. I wonder if perhaps these feelings I’ve been repressing for years are now rushing out of me like a broken dam. There’s nothing left to do but let it happen.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. “Could consider it, for a price.”

“And what price is that?” I ask.

“A kiss.”

So simple and yet, I fuckingcraveit. I move toward him and slide my lips across his, my tongue snaking out and running along the seam of his mouth. A low groan slips from him, and I tremble slightly from the sensation of it. The vibrations move through my body like he’s moaning into me.

“Fuck,” he murmurs as I thread my fingers through his hair, starting to get ideas of what I’d like to do to him once I get him into my little shack I built years ago.

“Come on, not out here where Bob can see. Don’t want him getting jealous,” I say and pull away reluctantly, trudging forward, his hand still in mine. When we finally make it to the little primitive house situated between two palm trees, I take it in. The little hut stitched together with banana leaves, mud, and some wood, something I built years ago when I needed my own space away from everyone else.

“What is this?” he asks as I push the door open and turn on a camping light. I reach over and push open a small window to let some air in.

“It’s my super-secret hideout and the place where I make my lube.”

He swivels his head and takes it in, the hammock hooked onto two trees, the barrels where I keep the coconut oil, and then they land on the cabinets where I grow my weed.

“Your weed lube?” he asks, and I smirk at that.

“Yeah, you know the stuff people are always buying off of me? For a while, everyone was fucking and there was a bit of a shortage of lube on the island. I capitalized on it and brought in some extra money. You wanna try some?”

He wets his lips and breathes deeply. “You know how I get when I’m high.”

“It won’t make you really high, just give you a nice buzz and make your ass feel amazing.”

He hesitates for only a moment. “Yeah, okay, I could try it.”

I hesitate for just a second because I’m not quite sure he understands what I’m asking. “You want me to finger you, Chase?”

“Could try it and see if I like it.”

Oh fuck, my already hard dick swells even more to the point of pain, and I adjust myself, trying to get some relief. But it is impossible. The only way I’m gonna feel better is if I unload into his ass.

“But first,” he says, stopping my forward momentum. “Tell me how you make this. I wanna know this part of you.”

“This is no time for talking, Chase. Not when I get to stick my finger in your virgin hole.”

He groans and then cups his cock. “God, when you talk like that….”

A smirk pulls my lips up.

“Ugh, fine, you’ve convinced me. After, I want you to tell me all about this though.” He sweeps his hand out around the small space, and I just nod eagerly.

“I will tell you anything you want to know if that means that I get to massage your prostate.”

He swallows roughly. “Never had that done before.”

“Well, you’re missing out then,” I say and move toward him, reaching out and tugging his pants and boxers down to his ankles before turning him around and instructing him to hold on to the trunk of the tree.

And there it is. His ass—muscular and round and so untouched. I want to get on my knees, lick up his crease, and suck on his hole, but I don’t. I refrain. I want to watch a part of me enter him first, and then maybe next time I can taste him.

“A little nervous,” Chase says, his head turned slightly to watch me. “What if I don’t like it?”