Page 59 of Exception


He stands up straight, looking so hot even in his backward shorts.

“When are you off today?”


“You want to have dinner with me?”

“Yeah.” Hell yes, I do.

“Fine, I’ll see you after work.” And then he hesitates, debating, before he leans down and presses a kiss to my lips.

“Don’t fucking smirk,” he murmurs as he walks toward the door.

But I can’t help it. We’re like an old married couple now.

Too bad, so sad, Holden. This is how it is now.



For fuck’s sake, it’s been four hours since I left him in his bed, and I miss him. My lips ache, wanting to kiss him again. He’s put some kind of spell on me. I should have stayed away when I first caught sight of him. Should have known this would happen. But I’d been too curious and far too horny to stay away.

And now look. I’m beside myself. Like a lovesick fool.

It’s disgusting. I wasn’t raised to be like this, to want this. I’ve never needed it until now.

Perhaps I should wander about and see where he’s working right now, just say hello. Just to see if I can control this emotion roiling inside of me.

I need to find a way to tamp it down, to control it before it overtakes me.

I will not be weak for this man. I will not.

But even as I chant that over lunch, I find myself briskly wandering around the island looking for them, until I eventually find them in a villa on the ocean. I know it’s them because I can see Devon’s golf cart parked on the pier, his toolbox sitting next to the front tire.

Clutching a paper bag in my hand, I make my way out to them, knowing that my excuse is lame, but wielding it anyways.

“It’s the same shit every time,” I hear Devon grumble as I make my way inside. The place is trashed, Molly is inside cleaning it up while they work. “Gonna take a long while to patch this up.”

“Should only take a few minutes,” Chase says, and Devon gives him a scathing look.

“It’s gonna take a while, son.”

I bite back a laugh when I catch Molly rolling her eyes. Devon isn’t as subtle as he thinks he is.

“Right,” Chase says and then his eyes shift up, and he sees me standing in the entryway, looking like a fool.

“Hiya,” he says softly and my heart thumps in my chest as he walks toward me. Those big thighs bunching under the fabric of his jeans.

“Hi, South Dakota,” I say and then slap at his chest, trying to make this as impersonal as I can, but he catches on and grabs my hand, bringing it up to his lips for a soft kiss.

And my soul leaves my body. I’ve never had anyone be as tender with me as he has. It’s a new and scary feeling. I don’t know if I like it.

I fucking need it though. That much is true.

“Brought you lunch,” I say lamely, and Chase smiles at me.